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Moxxy's Website

See the live website at


Developing the site requires zola and tailwindcss.


The website uses tailwindcss for layouting. To use tailwind, install the tailwindcss CLI application. The typography plugin is required for building the website.


In order to test changes, assuming jekyll and tailwindcss are set up, ...

  1. Run tailwindcss -c tailwind.config.js -i input.css --watch --output ./static/css/index.css from the root of the repository.
  2. Run zola serve from the root of the repository.

This gives you an environment where tailwindcss and zola regenerate their previews when modifying their files.


  1. tailwindcss --input ./input.css --output ./static/css/index.css
  2. zola build

Adding a Blog Post

If you want to add a blog post, considert the following:

  • If the post should contain media, create a directory in ./content/blog/ with the following naming scheme YYYY-MM-DD-<Title>. Inside that directory, create an file where you can write the post in Markdown. The media files can then be placed inside that directory and included using ![](file-name.ext).
  • If the post does not contain media, create a file in ./content/blog/ with the following naming scheme YYYY-MM-DD-<Title>. Inside that file you can write the post in Markdown.
