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An experimental XMPP client that tries to be as easy, modern and beautiful as possible.

The code is also available on codeberg.



Developing and Building

Clone using git clone --recursive

In order to build Moxxy, you need to have Flutter set up. If you are running NixOS or using Nix, you can also use the Flake at the root of the repository by running nix develop to get a development shell including everything that is needed.

Before building Moxxy, you need to generate all needed data classes. To do this, run flutter pub get to install all dependencies. Then run flutter pub run build_runner build to generate state classes, data classes and the database schemata. After that is done, you can either build the app with flutter build apk --debug to create a debug build, flutter build apk --release to create a relase build or just run the app in development mode with flutter run.

After implementing a change or a feature, please ensure that nothing is broken by the change by running flutter test afterwards. Also make sure that the code passes the linter by running flutter analyze. This project also uses gitlint to ensure uniform formatting of commit messages.

Also, feel free to join the development chat at

A Bit of History

This project is the successor of moxxyv1, which was written in React Native and abandoned due to various technical issues.



Special Thanks

  • New logo designed by Synoh