
997 B


A very small wrapper around platform-"native" methods to perform DNS SRV lookups.


import "package:moxdns/moxdns.dart";

Future<void> main() async {
	final result = await MoxdnsPlugin.srvQuery("_xmpps-client._tcp.example.server", false);

The first argument to srvQuery is the SRV record you want to query. The second one is whether to use DNSSEC or not. Note that DNSSEC is currently not supported, so the option essentially does nothing right now.

The function will return a future that either resolves to a list of SRV records, an empty list of no records were found or null if an error occured.


The development of this package is based on melos.

To make all packages link to each other locally, begin by running melos bootstrap. After editing the code and making your changes, please run melos run analyze to make sure that no linter warnings are left inside the code.
