# cert-status-exporter A Prometheus exporter that checks the expiry and validity of configured domains once a day. ## Usage To export certificate status metrics, run `cert-status-exporter --domain ::[:]`. The format means: "Connect to `` on port `` while advertising `` as ALPN during the TLS negotiations. If `` is specified, then the metric will be labeled as ``, instead of ``. `` is a semi-colon separated list of ALPN protocols. By default, `cert-status-exporter` will bind to `` and expose the metrics at ``. To change the binding address, you can specify `--host` and `--port` to change how `cert-status-exporter` binds the socket. ### Example - `cert-status-exporter --host --port 8383 --domain "gnu.org:443:http/1.1;http/1.0;http/0.9"`: Check the certificate of `gnu.org:443`, while presenting the HTTP ALPN protocol names during the TLS negotiation. The metrics are exported with the label `name` equal to `gnu.org`. - `cert-status-exporter --domain "example.org:5223:xmpp-client:xmpp"`: Check the certificate of `example.org:5223`, while presenting `xmpp-client` as the ALPN protocol during the TLS negotiation. Moreover, export the certificate state with the label `name` equal to `xmpp`. ## License See `LICENSE`.