import 'package:pigeon/pigeon.dart'; @ConfigurePigeon( PigeonOptions( dartOut: 'lib/pigeon/notifications.g.dart', kotlinOut: 'android/src/main/kotlin/org/moxxy/moxxy_native/notifications/NotificationsApi.kt', kotlinOptions: KotlinOptions( package: 'org.moxxy.moxxy_native.notifications', ), ), ) class NotificationMessageContent { const NotificationMessageContent( this.body, this.mime, this.path, ); /// The textual body of the message. final String? body; /// The path and mime type of the media to show. final String? mime; final String? path; } class NotificationMessage { const NotificationMessage( this.sender, this.content, this.jid, this.timestamp, this.avatarPath, { this.groupId, }); /// The grouping key for the notification. final String? groupId; /// The sender of the message. final String? sender; /// The jid of the sender. final String? jid; /// The body of the message. final NotificationMessageContent content; /// Milliseconds since epoch. final int timestamp; /// The path to the avatar to use final String? avatarPath; } class MessagingNotification { const MessagingNotification( this.title,, this.jid, this.messages, this.channelId, this.isGroupchat, this.extra, { this.groupId, }); /// The title of the conversation. final String title; /// The id of the notification. final int id; /// The id of the notification channel the notification should appear on. final String channelId; /// The JID of the chat in which the notifications happen. final String jid; /// Messages to show. final List messages; /// Flag indicating whether this notification is from a groupchat or not. final bool isGroupchat; /// The id for notification grouping. final String? groupId; /// Additional data to include. final Map? extra; } enum NotificationIcon { warning, error, none, } class RegularNotification { const RegularNotification( this.title, this.body, this.channelId,, this.icon, { this.groupId, }); /// The title of the notification. final String title; /// The body of the notification. final String body; /// The id of the channel to show the notification on. final String channelId; /// The id for notification grouping. final String? groupId; /// The id of the notification. final int id; /// The icon to use. final NotificationIcon icon; } enum NotificationEventType { markAsRead, reply, open, } class NotificationEvent { const NotificationEvent(, this.jid, this.type, this.payload, this.extra, ); /// The notification id. final int id; /// The JID the notification was for. final String jid; /// The type of event. final NotificationEventType type; /// An optional payload. /// - type == NotificationType.reply: The reply message text. /// Otherwise: undefined. final String? payload; /// Extra data. Only set when type == NotificationType.reply. final Map? extra; } class NotificationI18nData { const NotificationI18nData(this.reply, this.markAsRead,; /// The content of the reply button. final String reply; /// The content of the "mark as read" button. final String markAsRead; /// The text to show when *you* reply. final String you; } class NotificationGroup { const NotificationGroup(, this.description); final String id; final String description; } // ignore: constant_identifier_names enum NotificationChannelImportance { MIN, HIGH, DEFAULT } class NotificationChannel { const NotificationChannel(, this.title, this.description, { this.importance = NotificationChannelImportance.DEFAULT, this.showBadge = true, this.groupId, this.vibration = true, this.enableLights = true, }); final String title; final String description; final String id; final NotificationChannelImportance importance; final bool showBadge; final String? groupId; final bool vibration; final bool enableLights; } @HostApi() abstract class MoxxyNotificationsApi { /// Notification APIs void createNotificationGroups(List groups); void deleteNotificationGroups(List ids); void createNotificationChannels(List channels); void deleteNotificationChannels(List ids); void showMessagingNotification(MessagingNotification notification); void showNotification(RegularNotification notification); void dismissNotification(int id); void setNotificationSelfAvatar(String path); void setNotificationI18n(NotificationI18nData data); // Stubs for generating event classes void notificationStub(NotificationEvent event); }