// Autogenerated from Pigeon (v11.0.1), do not edit directly. // See also: https://pub.dev/packages/pigeon // ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs, non_constant_identifier_names, avoid_as, unused_import, unnecessary_parenthesis, prefer_null_aware_operators, omit_local_variable_types, unused_shown_name, unnecessary_import import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:typed_data' show Float64List, Int32List, Int64List, Uint8List; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show ReadBuffer, WriteBuffer; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; class MoxxyServiceApi { /// Constructor for [MoxxyServiceApi]. The [binaryMessenger] named argument is /// available for dependency injection. If it is left null, the default /// BinaryMessenger will be used which routes to the host platform. MoxxyServiceApi({BinaryMessenger? binaryMessenger}) : _binaryMessenger = binaryMessenger; final BinaryMessenger? _binaryMessenger; static const MessageCodec codec = StandardMessageCodec(); Future configure(int arg_handle, String arg_extraData) async { final BasicMessageChannel channel = BasicMessageChannel( 'dev.flutter.pigeon.moxxy_native.MoxxyServiceApi.configure', codec, binaryMessenger: _binaryMessenger); final List? replyList = await channel.send([arg_handle, arg_extraData]) as List?; if (replyList == null) { throw PlatformException( code: 'channel-error', message: 'Unable to establish connection on channel.', ); } else if (replyList.length > 1) { throw PlatformException( code: replyList[0]! as String, message: replyList[1] as String?, details: replyList[2], ); } else { return; } } Future isRunning() async { final BasicMessageChannel channel = BasicMessageChannel( 'dev.flutter.pigeon.moxxy_native.MoxxyServiceApi.isRunning', codec, binaryMessenger: _binaryMessenger); final List? replyList = await channel.send(null) as List?; if (replyList == null) { throw PlatformException( code: 'channel-error', message: 'Unable to establish connection on channel.', ); } else if (replyList.length > 1) { throw PlatformException( code: replyList[0]! as String, message: replyList[1] as String?, details: replyList[2], ); } else if (replyList[0] == null) { throw PlatformException( code: 'null-error', message: 'Host platform returned null value for non-null return value.', ); } else { return (replyList[0] as bool?)!; } } Future start() async { final BasicMessageChannel channel = BasicMessageChannel( 'dev.flutter.pigeon.moxxy_native.MoxxyServiceApi.start', codec, binaryMessenger: _binaryMessenger); final List? replyList = await channel.send(null) as List?; if (replyList == null) { throw PlatformException( code: 'channel-error', message: 'Unable to establish connection on channel.', ); } else if (replyList.length > 1) { throw PlatformException( code: replyList[0]! as String, message: replyList[1] as String?, details: replyList[2], ); } else { return; } } Future sendData(String arg_data) async { final BasicMessageChannel channel = BasicMessageChannel( 'dev.flutter.pigeon.moxxy_native.MoxxyServiceApi.sendData', codec, binaryMessenger: _binaryMessenger); final List? replyList = await channel.send([arg_data]) as List?; if (replyList == null) { throw PlatformException( code: 'channel-error', message: 'Unable to establish connection on channel.', ); } else if (replyList.length > 1) { throw PlatformException( code: replyList[0]! as String, message: replyList[1] as String?, details: replyList[2], ); } else { return; } } }