78 lines
2.5 KiB
78 lines
2.5 KiB
from collections import namedtuple
import yaml
import requests
ApiResponse = namedtuple("ApiResponse", [
"name", # The library name
"url" # The library homepage or repository
def render_library(api, _license):
return '\tLibrary(name: "{}", license: "{}", url: "{}")'.format(
# Return either the homepage, repository url or throw
# @obj: The JSON API response dict
def homepage_wrapper(response):
if "homepage" in response["latest"]["pubspec"]:
return response["latest"]["pubspec"]["homepage"]
elif "repository" in response["latest"]["pubspec"]:
return response["latest"]["pubspec"]["repository"]
raise Exception("No homepage or repository for " + response["name"])
# Return the ApiResponse object for a given library name
def get_library_data(pkg):
data = requests.get("https://pub.dev/api/packages/" + pkg).json()
return ApiResponse(data["name"], homepage_wrapper(data))
# Return the license of a given package or throw
# NOTE: One giant hack as the API does not expose this information
def get_license(pkg):
body = requests.get("https://pub.dev/packages/" + pkg + "/license").text
if "Apache-2.0" in body or ("Apache License" in body and "Version 2.0" in body):
return "Apache-2.0"
elif "BSD-3-Clause" in body:
return "BSD-3-Clause"
elif "MIT" in body:
return "MIT"
raise Exception("Unknown license for " + pkg)
# Just some wrapper functions to make the list comprehensions easier
def mklib_remote(pkg):
print("[i] " + pkg)
return render_library(get_library_data(pkg), get_license(pkg))
def mklib_local(api, _license):
print("[i] " + api.name)
return render_library(api, _license)
def main():
with open("pubspec.yaml", "r") as f:
pubspec = yaml.load(f.read(), Loader=yaml.Loader)
libs = [ mklib_remote(pkg) for pkg in pubspec["dependencies"] if pkg not in ("flutter",) ]
devlibs = [ mklib_remote(pkg) for pkg in pubspec["dev_dependencies"] if pkg not in ("flutter_test", "test",) ]
extra = pubspec.get("extra_licenses", {})
extralibs = [ mklib_local(ApiResponse(obj, extra[obj]["url"]), extra[obj]["license"]) for obj in extra]
generated = '''// Generated by generate_providers.py
import "dart:collection";
import "package:moxxyv2/data/libraries.dart";
final List<Library> usedLibraryList = [
'''.format(",\n".join(libs + devlibs + extralibs));
with open("lib/data/generated/licenses.dart", "w") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":