name: moxxyv2 description: An experimental XMPP client publish_to: 'none' version: 0.2.3+4 environment: sdk: ">=2.16.1 <3.0.0" flutter: ">=2.13.0-0.1" dependencies: archive: 3.3.1 badges: 2.0.3 better_open_file: 3.6.3 bloc: 8.1.0 connectivity_plus: 2.3.6 crop_your_image: 0.7.2 cryptography: 2.0.5 #cupertino_icons: 1.0.2 dart_emoji: 0.2.0+2 decorated_icon: 1.2.1 dio: 4.0.6 emoji_picker_flutter: 1.3.1 equatable: 2.0.3 external_path: 1.0.1 file_picker: 5.0.1 flutter: sdk: flutter flutter_bloc: 8.1.1 flutter_blurhash: 0.7.0 flutter_image_compress: 1.1.0 flutter_isolate: 2.0.2 flutter_local_notifications: 9.7.0 flutter_parsed_text: 2.2.1 flutter_secure_storage: 5.0.2 flutter_speed_dial: 6.0.0 flutter_vibrate: 1.3.0 freezed_annotation: 2.1.0 get_it: 7.2.0 hex: 0.2.0 image: 3.2.0 image_size_getter: 2.1.2 json_annotation: 4.6.0 logging: 1.0.2 mime: 1.0.2 move_to_background: git: url: ref: e5cc2eefd1667e8ef22f21f41b0ef012b060be6c moxdns: hosted: version: 0.1.4 moxlib: hosted: version: 0.1.4 moxplatform: hosted: version: 0.1.11+2 moxxyv2_builders: hosted: version: 0.1.0 native_imaging: 0.1.0 omemo_dart: hosted: version: 0.3.0 page_transition: 2.0.9 path: 1.8.1 path_provider: 2.0.11 permission_handler: 10.0.0 phosphor_flutter: 1.4.0 #qr_code_scanner: 0.6.1 qr_flutter: 4.0.0 random_string: 2.3.1 saslprep: 1.0.2 settings_ui: 2.0.2 share_handler: 0.0.16 sqflite_sqlcipher: 2.1.1 #scrollable_positioned_list: 0.2.3 stack_blur: 0.2.2 swipeable_tile: git: url: ref: bfab5e28f1f1ea624232002f0d05481cb2bd9997 synchronized: 3.0.0+2 udp: 5.0.3 url_launcher: 6.1.5 #unifiedpush: 3.0.1 uuid: 3.0.5 video_thumbnail: git: #video_thumbnail: ^0.5.2 xml: ^6.1.0 dev_dependencies: build_runner: ^2.1.11 flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.9.3 flutter_lints: ^2.0.1 #flutter_test: # sdk: flutter freezed: ^2.1.0+1 json_serializable: ^6.3.1 meta: ^1.7.0 test: ^1.21.1 very_good_analysis: ^3.0.1 dependency_overrides: # Okay, so hear me out: Flutter has the problem that focusing a TextField will automatically # summon the soft keyboard with no way of (dynamically) telling it to not do that. This # causes the issue in the ConversationPage where changing the cursor's position within the # TextField while the Emoji picker is open summons the soft keyboard, having it stacked # under the Emoji picker. # # My fork adds a callback function that is called whenever the soft keyboard is about to be # summoned, with which we can tell flutter whether it should summon it or not. flutter: hosted: version: 3.0.1 omemo_dart: git: url: rev: 96771cf3177433ba3a5d9d03ad3179aa0aaad5ec extra_licenses: - name: license: "custom license" url: "" - name: xmpp-providers # TODO: Dangerous license: "unknown license" url: "" flutter: uses-material-design: true fonts: - family: RobotoMono fonts: - asset: assets/fonts/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf assets: - assets/images/logo.png - assets/images/begin_chat.png - assets/images/happy_news.png flutter_icons: android: true ios: "assets/images/icon_ios.png" remove_alpha_ios: true # TODO: This maybe not good image_path: "assets/images/logo.png" adaptive_icon_background: "#8315d2" adaptive_icon_foreground: "assets/images/icon_android_adaptive.png"