import "dart:async"; import "package:moxxyv2/xmpp/connection.dart"; import "package:moxxyv2/xmpp/settings.dart"; import "package:moxxyv2/xmpp/stringxml.dart"; import "package:moxxyv2/xmpp/jid.dart"; import "package:moxxyv2/xmpp/stanza.dart"; import "package:moxxyv2/xmpp/presence.dart"; import "package:moxxyv2/xmpp/roster.dart"; import "package:moxxyv2/xmpp/events.dart"; import "package:moxxyv2/xmpp/managers/attributes.dart"; import "package:moxxyv2/xmpp/managers/handlers.dart"; import "package:moxxyv2/xmpp/xeps/xep_0030.dart"; import "helpers/xmpp.dart"; import "package:test/test.dart"; void main() { test("Test a successful login attempt with no SM", () async { final fakeSocket = StubTCPSocket( play: [ Expectation( XMLNode( tag: "stream:stream", attributes: { "xmlns": "jabber:client", "version": "1.0", "xmlns:stream": "", "to": "test.server", "xml:lang": "en" }, closeTag: false ), XMLNode( tag: "stream:stream", attributes: { "xmlns": "jabber:client", "version": "1.0", "xmlns:stream": "", "from": "test.server", "xml:lang": "en" }, closeTag: false, children: [ XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "stream:features", xmlns: "", children: [ XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "mechanisms", xmlns: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", children: [ XMLNode(tag: "mechanism", text: "PLAIN") ] ) ] ) ] ) ), Expectation(XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "auth", xmlns: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", attributes: { "mechanism": "PLAIN" }, text: "AHBvbHlub21kaXZpc2lvbgBhYWFh" ), XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "success", xmlns: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl" ) ), Expectation( XMLNode( tag: "stream:stream", attributes: { "xmlns": "jabber:client", "version": "1.0", "xmlns:stream": "", "to": "test.server", "xml:lang": "en" }, closeTag: false ), XMLNode( tag: "stream:stream", attributes: { "xmlns": "jabber:client", "version": "1.0", "xmlns:stream": "", "from": "test.server", "xml:lang": "en" }, closeTag: false, children: [ XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "stream:features", xmlns: "", children: [ XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "bind", xmlns: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind", children: [ XMLNode(tag: "required") ] ), XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "session", xmlns: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session", children: [ XMLNode(tag: "optional") ] ), XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "csi", xmlns: "urn:xmpp:csi:0", ) ] ) ] ), ), Expectation( XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "iq", xmlns: "jabber:client", attributes: { "type": "set", "id": "a" }, children: [ XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "bind", xmlns: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind" ) ] ), XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "iq", xmlns: "jabber:client", attributes: { "type": "result" }, children: [ XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "bind", xmlns: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind", children: [ XMLNode( tag: "jid", text: "polynomdivision@test.server/MU29eEZn" ) ] ) ] ) ), Expectation( XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "presence", xmlns: "jabber:client", attributes: { "from": "polynomdivision@test.server/MU29eEZn" }, children: [ XMLNode( tag: "show", text: "chat" ), XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "c", xmlns: "", attributes: { // TODO: Somehow make the test ignore this attribute "ver": "QRTBC5cg/oYd+UOTYazSQR4zb/I=", "node": "", "hash": "sha-1" } ) ] ), XMLNode( tag: "presence", ) ), ] ); final XmppConnection conn = XmppConnection(socket: fakeSocket); conn.setConnectionSettings(ConnectionSettings( jid: BareJID.fromString("polynomdivision@test.server"), password: "aaaa", useDirectTLS: true, allowPlainAuth: true )); conn.registerManager(RosterManager()); conn.registerManager(DiscoManager()); conn.registerManager(PresenceManager()); await conn.connect(); await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3), () { expect(fakeSocket.getState(), 5); }); }); test("Test a failed SASL auth", () async { final fakeSocket = StubTCPSocket( play: [ Expectation( XMLNode( tag: "stream:stream", attributes: { "xmlns": "jabber:client", "version": "1.0", "xmlns:stream": "", "to": "test.server", "xml:lang": "en" }, closeTag: false ), XMLNode( tag: "stream:stream", attributes: { "xmlns": "jabber:client", "version": "1.0", "xmlns:stream": "", "from": "test.server", "xml:lang": "en" }, closeTag: false, children: [ XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "stream:features", xmlns: "", children: [ XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "mechanisms", xmlns: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", children: [ XMLNode(tag: "mechanism", text: "PLAIN") ] ) ] ) ] ) ), Expectation(XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "auth", xmlns: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", attributes: { "mechanism": "PLAIN" }, text: "AHBvbHlub21kaXZpc2lvbgBhYWFh" ), XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "failure", xmlns: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", children: [ XMLNode(tag: "not-authorized") ] ) ) ] ); bool receivedEvent = false; final XmppConnection conn = XmppConnection(socket: fakeSocket); conn.setConnectionSettings(ConnectionSettings( jid: BareJID.fromString("polynomdivision@test.server"), password: "aaaa", useDirectTLS: true, allowPlainAuth: true )); conn.registerManager(PresenceManager()); conn.registerManager(RosterManager()); conn.registerManager(DiscoManager()); conn.asBroadcastStream().listen((event) { if (event is AuthenticationFailedEvent && event.saslError == "not-authorized") { receivedEvent = true; } }); await conn.connect(); await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3), () { expect(receivedEvent, true); }); }); test("Test another failed SASL auth", () async { final fakeSocket = StubTCPSocket( play: [ Expectation( XMLNode( tag: "stream:stream", attributes: { "xmlns": "jabber:client", "version": "1.0", "xmlns:stream": "", "to": "test.server", "xml:lang": "en" }, closeTag: false ), XMLNode( tag: "stream:stream", attributes: { "xmlns": "jabber:client", "version": "1.0", "xmlns:stream": "", "from": "test.server", "xml:lang": "en" }, closeTag: false, children: [ XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "stream:features", xmlns: "", children: [ XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "mechanisms", xmlns: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", children: [ XMLNode(tag: "mechanism", text: "PLAIN") ] ) ] ) ] ) ), Expectation(XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "auth", xmlns: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", attributes: { "mechanism": "PLAIN" }, text: "AHBvbHlub21kaXZpc2lvbgBhYWFh" ), XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "failure", xmlns: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", children: [ XMLNode(tag: "mechanism-too-weak") ] ) ) ] ); bool receivedEvent = false; final XmppConnection conn = XmppConnection(socket: fakeSocket); conn.setConnectionSettings(ConnectionSettings( jid: BareJID.fromString("polynomdivision@test.server"), password: "aaaa", useDirectTLS: true, allowPlainAuth: true )); conn.registerManager(PresenceManager()); conn.registerManager(RosterManager()); conn.registerManager(DiscoManager()); conn.asBroadcastStream().listen((event) { if (event is AuthenticationFailedEvent && event.saslError == "mechanism-too-weak") { receivedEvent = true; } }); await conn.connect(); await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3), () { expect(receivedEvent, true); }); }); test("Test choosing SCRAM-SHA-1", () async { final fakeSocket = StubTCPSocket( play: [ Expectation( XMLNode( tag: "stream:stream", attributes: { "xmlns": "jabber:client", "version": "1.0", "xmlns:stream": "", "to": "test.server", "xml:lang": "en" }, closeTag: false ), XMLNode( tag: "stream:stream", attributes: { "xmlns": "jabber:client", "version": "1.0", "xmlns:stream": "", "from": "test.server", "xml:lang": "en" }, closeTag: false, children: [ XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "stream:features", xmlns: "", children: [ XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "mechanisms", xmlns: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", children: [ XMLNode(tag: "mechanism", text: "PLAIN"), XMLNode(tag: "mechanism", text: "SCRAM-SHA-1") ] ) ] ) ] ) ), Expectation(XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "auth", xmlns: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", attributes: { "mechanism": "SCRAM-SHA-1" }, text: "..." ), XMLNode.xmlns( tag: "challenge", xmlns: "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl", attributes: { "mechanism": "SCRAM-SHA-1" }, text: "cj02ZDQ0MmI1ZDllNTFhNzQwZjM2OWUzZGNlY2YzMTc4ZWMxMmIzOTg1YmJkNGE4ZTZmODE0YjQyMmFiNzY2NTczLHM9UVNYQ1IrUTZzZWs4YmY5MixpPTQwOTY=" ), justCheckAttributes: { "mechanism": "SCRAM-SHA-1" } ) ] ); final XmppConnection conn = XmppConnection(socket: fakeSocket); conn.setConnectionSettings(ConnectionSettings( jid: BareJID.fromString("polynomdivision@test.server"), password: "aaaa", useDirectTLS: true, allowPlainAuth: false )); conn.registerManager(RosterManager()); conn.registerManager(DiscoManager()); conn.registerManager(PresenceManager()); await conn.connect(); await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3), () { expect(fakeSocket.getState(), 2); }); }); group("Test roster pushes", () { test("Test for a CVE-2015-8688 style vulnerability", () async { bool eventTriggered = false; final roster = RosterManager(); roster.register(XmppManagerAttributes( // ignore: avoid_print log: (str) => print(str), sendStanza: (_, { bool addFrom = true, bool addId = true}) async => XMLNode(tag: "hallo"), sendEvent: (event) { eventTriggered = true; }, sendNonza: (_) {}, sendRawXml: (_) {}, getConnectionSettings: () => ConnectionSettings( jid: BareJID.fromString("some.user@example.server"), password: "password", useDirectTLS: true, allowPlainAuth: false, ), getManagerById: (_) => null, isStreamFeatureSupported: (_) => false, getFullJID: () => FullJID.fromString("some.user@example.server/aaaaa") )); // NOTE: Based on final maliciousStanza = Stanza.fromXMLNode(XMLNode.fromString("")); await Future.forEach( roster.getStanzaHandlers(), (StanzaHandler handler) async { if (handler.matches(maliciousStanza)) { await handler.callback(maliciousStanza); } } ); expect(eventTriggered, false, reason: "Was able to inject a malicious roster push"); }); }); test("Test bare JIDs", () { expect(BareJID.fromString("hallo@welt").toString(), "hallo@welt"); expect(BareJID.fromString("@welt").toString(), "@welt"); expect(BareJID.fromString("hallo@").toString(), "hallo@"); expect(BareJID.fromString("hallo@welt/whatever").toString(), "hallo@welt"); }); }