import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; /// Base class for a data cache with keys of type [K] and values of type [V]. abstract class Cache { /// Get a value from cache @visibleForOverriding V? getValue(K key); /// Write a value to cache @visibleForOverriding void cache(K key, V value); /// Return true if [key] is in the cache. @visibleForOverriding bool inCache(K key); /// Return all values that are cached @visibleForOverriding List getValues(); /// Remove an item from the cache @visibleForOverriding void remove(K key); } class _LRUCacheEntry { const _LRUCacheEntry(this.value, this.t); final int t; final V value; } class LRUCache extends Cache { LRUCache(this._maxSize) : _cache = {}, _t = 0; final Map> _cache; final int _maxSize; int _t; @override bool inCache(K key) => _cache.containsKey(key); @override V? getValue(K key) { return _cache[key]?.value; } @override List getValues() => => i.value).toList(); @override void cache(K key, V value) { if (_cache.length + 1 <= _maxSize) { // Fall through } else { var lowestKey = _cache.keys.first; var t = _cache[lowestKey]!.t; _cache ..forEach((key, value) { if (value.t < t) { lowestKey = key; t = value.t; } }) ..remove(lowestKey); } _cache[key] = _LRUCacheEntry(value, _t); _t++; } @override void remove(K key) { _cache.remove(key); } }