ui: Prevent opening the same conversation twice

This commit is contained in:
PapaTutuWawa 2021-12-23 20:54:12 +01:00
parent 75dc8e081d
commit 00c326cc2d

View File

@ -15,32 +15,41 @@ typedef AddConversationFunction = void Function(Conversation conversation);
class _NewConversationViewModel {
final AddConversationFunction addConversation;
final List<Conversation> conversations;
_NewConversationViewModel({ required this.addConversation });
_NewConversationViewModel({ required this.addConversation, required this.conversations });
class NewConversationPage extends StatelessWidget {
void _addNewContact(_NewConversationViewModel viewModel, BuildContext context, String jid) {
Conversation? conversation = GetIt.I.get<ConversationRepository>().getConversation(jid);
bool hasConversation = viewModel.conversations.length > 0 && viewModel.conversations.firstWhere((item) => item.jid == jid, orElse: null) != null;
if (conversation == null) {
// TODO: Install a middleware to make sure that the conversation gets added to the
// repository. Also handle updates
conversation = Conversation(
title: jid,
jid: jid,
lastMessageBody: "",
avatarUrl: "",
unreadCounter: 0
// Prevent adding the same conversation twice to the list of open conversations
if (!hasConversation) {
Conversation? conversation = GetIt.I.get<ConversationRepository>().getConversation(jid);
if (conversation == null) {
// TODO: Install a middleware to make sure that the conversation gets added to the
// repository. Also handle updates
conversation = Conversation(
title: jid,
jid: jid,
lastMessageBody: "",
avatarUrl: "",
unreadCounter: 0
// TODO: Pass arguments
// TODO: Make sure that no conversation can be added twice
Navigator.pushNamedAndRemoveUntil(context, "/conversation", ModalRoute.withName("/conversations"), arguments: ConversationPageArguments(jid: jid));
arguments: ConversationPageArguments(jid: jid));
@ -70,7 +79,8 @@ class NewConversationPage extends StatelessWidget {
lastMessageBody: c.lastMessageBody,
jid: c.jid
conversations: store.state.conversations
builder: (context, viewModel) => ListView.builder(
itemCount: conversations.length + 2,