import 'package:args/args.dart'; import 'package:chalkdart/chalk.dart'; import 'package:moxxmpp/moxxmpp.dart'; import 'package:moxxmpp_socket_tcp/moxxmpp_socket_tcp.dart'; extension StringToInt on String { int toInt() => int.parse(this); } /// A wrapper around [ArgParser] for providing convenience functions and standard parameters /// to the examples. class ArgumentParser { ArgumentParser() { parser ..addOption('jid', help: 'The JID to connect as') ..addOption('password', help: 'The password to use for authenticating') ..addOption('host', help: 'The host address to connect to (By default uses the domain part of the JID)') ..addOption('port', help: 'The port to connect to') ..addOption('xmpps-srv', help: 'Inject a SRV record for _xmpps-client._tcp. Format: ,,,') ..addFlag('help', abbr: 'h', negatable: false, defaultsTo: false, help: 'Show this help text'); } /// The [ArgParser] that handles parsing the arguments. final ArgParser parser = ArgParser(); /// The parsed options. Only valid after calling [handleArguments]. late ArgResults options; ArgResults? handleArguments(List args) { options = parser.parse(args); if (options['help']!) { print(parser.usage); return null; } if (options['jid'] == null) { print('No JID specified')); print(parser.usage); return null; } if (options['password'] == null) { print('No password specified')); print(parser.usage); return null; } return options; } /// The JID to connect as. JID get jid => JID.fromString(options['jid']!).toBare(); /// Construct connection settings from the parsed options. ConnectionSettings get connectionSettings => ConnectionSettings( jid: jid, password: options['password']!, host: options['host'], port: (options['port'] as String?)?.toInt(), ); /// Construct an xmpps-client SRV record for injection, if specified. MoxSrvRecord? get srvRecord { if (options['xmpps-srv'] == null) { return null; } final parts = options['xmpps-srv']!.split(','); return MoxSrvRecord( int.parse(parts[0]), int.parse(parts[1]), parts[2], int.parse(parts[3]), ); } }