import 'package:pigeon/pigeon.dart'; @ConfigurePigeon( PigeonOptions( dartOut: 'packages/moxplatform_platform_interface/lib/src/notifications.g.dart', //kotlinOut: 'packages/moxplatform_android/android/src/main/java/me/polynom/moxplatform_android/Notifications.g.kt', //kotlinOptions: KotlinOptions( // package: 'me.polynom.moxplatform_android', //), javaOut: 'packages/moxplatform_android/android/src/main/java/me/polynom/moxplatform_android/', javaOptions: JavaOptions( package: 'me.polynom.moxplatform_android', ), ), ) class NotificationMessageContent { const NotificationMessageContent( this.body, this.mime, this.path, ); /// The textual body of the message. final String? body; /// The path and mime type of the media to show. final String? mime; final String? path; } class NotificationMessage { const NotificationMessage( this.sender, this.content, this.jid, this.timestamp, this.avatarPath, ); /// The sender of the message. final String sender; /// The jid of the sender. final String jid; /// The body of the message. final NotificationMessageContent content; /// Milliseconds since epoch. final int timestamp; /// The path to the avatar to use final String? avatarPath; } class MessagingNotification { const MessagingNotification(this.title,, this.messages, this.channelId); /// The title of the conversation. final String title; /// The id of the notification. final int id; /// The id of the notification channel the notification should appear on. final String channelId; /// Messages to show. final List messages; } @HostApi() abstract class NotificationsImplementationApi { void createNotificationChannel(String title, String id, bool urgent); void showMessagingNotification(MessagingNotification notification); }