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import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
final _githubPath = path.join('.github');
final _sourcePath = path.join('src');
final _targetPath = path.join('brick', '__brick__');
final _androidPath = path.join(_targetPath, 'my_plugin_android', 'android');
final _androidKotlinPath = path.join(_androidPath, 'src', 'main', 'kotlin');
final _sourceMyPluginKtPath = path.join(
final _targetMyPluginKtPath = path.join(
final year =;
final copyrightHeader = '''
// Copyright (c) $year, Very Good Ventures
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
final excludedFiles = [
path.join(_targetPath, '.github', 'CODEOWNERS'),
void main() async {
// Remove Previously Generated Files
final targetDir = Directory(_targetPath);
if (targetDir.existsSync()) {
await targetDir.delete(recursive: true);
// Copy Project Files
await Future.wait([
Shell.cp(_sourcePath, _targetPath),
Shell.cp(_githubPath, path.join(_targetPath)),
() async {
await Shell.mkdir(File(_targetMyPluginKtPath).parent.path);
await Shell.cp(_sourceMyPluginKtPath, _targetMyPluginKtPath);
await Shell.rm(File(_sourceMyPluginKtPath).parent.parent.path);
// Remove excluded files
await Future.wait( => File(file).delete(recursive: true)),
await Future.wait(
.listSync(recursive: true)
.map((_) async {
var file = _;
if (!file.existsSync()) return;
// Add copyright header to all .dart files
if (path.extension(file.path) == '.dart') {
final contents = await file.readAsString();
file = await file.writeAsString('$copyrightHeader\n$contents');
// Template File Contents
final contents =
file.isAsset() ? await file.readAsBytes() : await file.readAsString();
final templatedContents = (contents is String)
? contents
'A very good Flutter federated plugin',
: contents;
file = templatedContents is String
? await file.writeAsString(templatedContents)
: await file.writeAsBytes(templatedContents as List<int>);
/// Template file paths
final fileSegments = file.path.split('/').sublist(2);
if (fileSegments
.any((e) => e.contains('my_plugin') || e.contains('MyPlugin'))) {
final newSegments = {
return e
final newPathSegment = newSegments.join('/');
final newPath = path.join(_targetPath, newPathSegment);
final newFile = File(newPath)..createSync(recursive: true);
templatedContents is String
? newFile.writeAsStringSync(templatedContents)
: newFile.writeAsBytesSync(templatedContents as List<int>);
file = newFile;
// Clean up top-level directories
const topLevelDirs = [
for (final dir in topLevelDirs) {
Directory(path.join(_targetPath, dir)).deleteSync(recursive: true);
class Shell {
static Future<void> cp(String source, String destination) {
return'cp', ['-rf', source, destination]);
static Future<void> rm(String source) {
return'rm', ['-rf', source]);
static Future<void> mkdir(String destination) {
return'mkdir', ['-p', destination]);
class _Cmd {
static Future<ProcessResult> run(
String cmd,
List<String> args, {
bool throwOnError = true,
String? processWorkingDir,
}) async {
final result = await, args,
workingDirectory: processWorkingDir, runInShell: true);
if (throwOnError) {
_throwIfProcessFailed(result, cmd, args);
return result;
static void _throwIfProcessFailed(
ProcessResult pr,
String process,
List<String> args,
) {
if (pr.exitCode != 0) {
final values = {
'Standard out': pr.stdout.toString().trim(),
'Standard error': pr.stderr.toString().trim()
}..removeWhere((k, v) => v.isEmpty);
String message;
if (values.isEmpty) {
message = 'Unknown error';
} else if (values.length == 1) {
message = values.values.single;
} else {
message = => '${e.key}\n${e.value}').join('\n');
throw ProcessException(process, args, message, pr.exitCode);
extension on File {
bool isAsset() {
const extensions = {
final ext = path.extension(this.path);
return extensions.contains(ext);