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class NoTransitionPossibleException implements Exception {
String errMsg() => "The transition graph allows no transition";
/// A deterministic finite automaton. [T] is the state type while
/// [I] is the input type.
/// Edges of the node must be added with [addTransition]. If a trap state
/// is required, it can be set in the constructor.
class DeterministicFiniteAutomaton<T, I> {
/// The current state of the DFA
T _state;
/// The edges of the DFA: State x Input -> State
Map<T, Map<I, T>> _transitions;
/// Trap state
T? trapState;
/// The argument is the initial state
DeterministicFiniteAutomaton(this._state, { this.trapState }) : _transitions = {};
T get state => _state;
void addTransition(T oldState, I input, T newState) {
assert(oldState != trapState);
// These are handled implicitly if no transition has been found
assert(newState != trapState);
if (!_transitions.containsKey(oldState)) {
_transitions[oldState] = {};
_transitions[oldState]![input] = newState;
/// Transition the DFA based on its current state and the input [input].
void onInput(I input) {
final newState = _transitions[_state]?[input];
if (newState == null) {
// Go to the trap state if we can
if (trapState != null) {
_state = trapState!;
} else {
throw NoTransitionPossibleException();
_state = newState;
/// Returns where [input] would take the automaton to. Returns null if no transition
/// is possible, ignoring trap transitions.
T? peekTransition(I input) {
if (!_transitions.containsKey(_state) || !_transitions[_state]!.containsKey(input)) {
return null;
return _transitions[_state]![input]!;
typedef MealyAutomatonCallback<T, I> = void Function(T oldState, I input);
class MealyAutomaton<T, I> {
/// The base automaton
final DeterministicFiniteAutomaton<T, I> _automaton;
/// Mapping of State x Input -> Output callback
Map<T, Map<I, MealyAutomatonCallback<T, I>>> _outputs;
/// Trap state
MealyAutomatonCallback<T, I>? trapCallback;
// TODO: Assert that trapState != null implies trapCallback != null.
MealyAutomaton(T initialState, { T? trapState, this.trapCallback })
: _outputs = {},
_automaton = DeterministicFiniteAutomaton(initialState, trapState: trapState);
T get state => _automaton.state;
void addTransition(T oldState, I input, T newState, MealyAutomatonCallback<T, I> callback) {
_automaton.addTransition(oldState, input, newState);
if (!_outputs.containsKey(oldState)) {
_outputs[oldState] = {};
_outputs[oldState]![input] = callback;
void onInput(I input) {
final _state = _automaton.state;
if (_automaton.peekTransition(input) == null && trapCallback == null) {
throw new NoTransitionPossibleException();
final callback = _outputs[_state]?[input] ?? trapCallback!;
callback(_state, input);