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2022-04-27 19:49:36 +00:00
import "dart:async";
import "package:synchronized/synchronized.dart";
import "package:uuid/uuid.dart";
import "package:logging/logging.dart";
import "package:meta/meta.dart";
/// Interface to allow arbitrary data to be sent as long as it can be
/// JSON serialized/deserialized.
class JsonImplementation {
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {};
factory JsonImplementation.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return JsonImplementation();
/// Wrapper class that adds an ID to the data packet to be sent.
class DataWrapper<T extends JsonImplementation> {
final String id;
final T data;
const DataWrapper(,
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
"id": id,
"data": data.toJson()
static DataWrapper fromJson<T extends JsonImplementation>(Map<String, dynamic> json) => DataWrapper<T>(
json["id"]! as String,
json["data"]! as T
DataWrapper reply(T newData) => DataWrapper(id, newData);
/// This class is useful in contexts where data is sent between two parties, e.g. the
/// UI and the background service and a correlation between requests and responses is
/// to be enabled.
/// awaiting [sendData] will return a [Future] that will resolve to the reresponse when
/// received via [onData].
abstract class AwaitableDataSender<
S extends JsonImplementation,
R extends JsonImplementation
> {
final Lock _lock;
final Map<String, Completer<R>> _awaitables;
final Uuid _uuid;
final Logger _log;
AwaitableDataSender() : _awaitables = {}, _uuid = const Uuid(), _lock = Lock(), _log = Logger("AwaitableDataSender");
Map<String, Completer> getAwaitables() => _awaitables;
/// Called after an awaitable has been added.
void onAdd() {}
/// NOTE: Must be overwritten by the actual implementation
Future<void> sendDataImpl(DataWrapper data);
/// Sends [data] using [sendDataImpl]. If [awaitable] is true, then a
/// Future will be returned that can be used to await a response. If it
/// is false, then null will be imediately resolved.
Future<R?> sendData(S data, { bool awaitable = true, @visibleForTesting String? id }) async {
// ignore: no_leading_underscores_for_local_identifiers
2022-04-27 19:49:36 +00:00
final _id = id ?? _uuid.v4();
Future<R?> future = Future.value(null);
_log.fine("sendData: Waiting to acquire lock...");
await _lock.synchronized(() async {
_log.fine("sendData: Done");
if (awaitable) {
_awaitables[_id] = Completer();
await sendDataImpl(
if (awaitable) {
future = _awaitables[_id]!.future;
_log.fine("sendData: Releasing lock...");
return future;
/// Should be called when a [DataWrapper] has been received. Will resolve
/// the promise received from [sendData].
Future<bool> onData(DataWrapper<R> data) async {
bool found = false;
Completer? completer;
_log.fine("onData: Waiting to acquire lock...");
await _lock.synchronized(() async {
_log.fine("onData: Done");
completer = _awaitables[];
if (completer != null) {
found = true;
_log.fine("onData: Releasing lock");
if (found) {
return found;