# rio A webserver similat to Github Pages using the Gitea API. Supports running in HTTP-only mode and running in HTTPS mode with automatic certificates using ACME HTTP01 challenges. ## Setup ### DNS Assuming your pages domain is `pages.example.org`, you should add a wildcard DNS record (if your provider supports it) to allow clients to resolve any `*.pages.example.org` record: ``` ; Example for an authoritative Bind nameserver *.pages 3600 IN A *.pages 3600 IN AAAA ``` If you have setup a CAA record to lock ACME certificates to a certain CA, make sure you allow certificates using the HTTP01 challenge type from the ACME CA configured in rio. ### rio To run rio, you can use environment variables or commandline flags. To see them, run `rio --help` or look at the [main file](./cmd/rio/main.go). If you run with `--acme-disable` (or `ACME_DISABLE=1`), then rio will not set up an HTTPS server and run with HTTP only on the configured host and port. In this configuration, only `--gitea-url` (`GITEA_URL`) and `--pages-domain` (`PAEGS_DOMAIN`) are required. If you run without `--acme-disable` (default), then rio will set up a HTTPS server to listen on the configured host and port. Additionally, a HTTP-only server will be set up listening to `${ACME_HOST}:${ACME_PORT}`, responsible for HTTP01 ACME challenges. In this mode, `--acme-email` (`ACME_EMAIL`; The email to use to register an ACME account), `--acme-file` (`ACME_FILE`; Path to the file where ACME account data is stored), `--certs-file` (`CERTS_FILE`; Path to the file where certificates are stored in) are additionally required. `--acme-server` (`ACME_SERVER`) should also be set to your ACME CA's directory URL as this option defaults to the [Let's Encrypt Staging Environment](https://letsencrypt.org/docs/staging-environment/). Note that using this optional implies that you accept your configured ACME CA's Terms of Service. You can also run with `--debug` (`DEBUG_ENABLE=1`) to enable debug logging. ## Usage ### Plain Domains When a user tries to access `.pages.example.org/some-repo/files.html`, rio will first see if the repository `some-repo` exists for the user `` on the configured Gitea server. If it does, then rio will try to proxy the file `files.html` from the repository `/some-repo`. If that repository does not exist, then rio will try the repository `/.pages.example.org` next and look for the file `some-repo/files.html`. Note that the files MUST reside in the repository's `pages` branch. Otherwise, rio will not find the files. ### CNAME Domains If you don't want to use `.pages.example.org` and instead prefer to use your own domain (`cooldomain.rio`), you can add a CNAME record on your domain, redirecting to the pages domain: ``` ; Example for Bind cooldomain.rio. 3600 IN CNAME .pages.example.org ``` This additionally requires your repository to have a file named `CNAME` that contains the domain to use (`cooldomain.rio` in this case). ### Repository Redirects If you have multiple repositories with pages (and you use a CNAME), you can additionally add a TXT record to tell rio what repository to look for. For example, the following TXT record will tell rio to use the repository `example-repository` whenever `example-repository.rio` is accessed: ``` ; Example for Bind _rio-pages.example-repository.rio. 3600 IN TXT "repo=example-repository" ``` For this to work, it is important that the record's value starts with `repo=`. ## License See `LICENSE`.