local st = require("util.stanza"); local array = require("util.array"); local jid_lib = require("util.jid"); local uuid = require("util.uuid"); local new_id = require("util.id").medium; local time = require("util.time"); local datetime = require("util.datetime"); local pubsub = require("util.pubsub"); local lib_pubsub = module:require("pubsub"); local storagemanager = require("core.storagemanager"); local helpers = module:require("mix/helpers"); local namespaces = module:require("mix/namespaces"); local lib_forms = module:require("mix/forms"); local Participant = {}; Participant.__index = Participant; function Participant:new(jid, nick, config) return setmetatable({ jid = jid, nick = nick, config = config, }, Participant); end function Participant:from(config) return setmetatable(config, Participant); end local Channel = {}; Channel.__index = Channel; function Channel:new(jid, name, description, participants, administrators, owners, subscriptions, spid, contacts, adhoc, allowed, banned, config, nodes) return setmetatable({ jid = jid, name = name, description = description, participants = participants, subscriptions = subscriptions, spid = spid, contacts = contacts, adhoc = adhoc, administrators = administrators, owners = owners, config = config, nodes = nodes, allowed = allowed, banned = banned, }, Channel); end function Channel:from(config) -- Turn a channel into a Channel object local o = setmetatable(config, Channel); for i, _ in pairs(o.participants) do o.participants[i] = Participant:from(o.participants[i]); end return o; end function Channel:get_broadcaster() local function broadcast(kind, node, jids, item, _, node_obj) if node == namespaces.presence then -- NOTE: This assumes that we already added all necessary MIX data -- before publishing this item local presence = {}; if kind == "retract" then presence = st.presence({ type = "unavailable", from = self:get_encoded_participant_jid(item.attr.from), }); presence:add_child(item:get_tag("mix", namespaces.mix_presence)); else presence = stanza.clone(item); end for jid in pairs(jids) do module:log("debug", "Sending presence notification to %s from %s", jid, item.attr.from); message.attr.to = jid; module:send(presence); end else if node_obj then if node_obj.config["notify_"..kind] == false then return; end end if kind == "retract" then kind = "items"; -- XEP-0060 signals retraction in an container end if item then item = st.clone(item); item.attr.xmlns = nil; -- Clear the pubsub namespace if kind == "items" then if node_obj and node_obj.config.include_payload == false then item:maptags(function () return nil; end); end end end local id = new_id(); local message = st.message({ from = self.jid, type = "headline", id = id }) :tag("event", { xmlns = namespaces.pubsub_event }) :tag(kind, { node = node }); if item then message:add_child(item); end for jid in pairs(jids) do module:log("debug", "Sending notification to %s from %s for node %s", jid, user_bare, node); message.attr.to = jid; module:send(message); end end end return broadcast; end -- PubSub stuff local services = {}; -- room@server -> PubSub services local known_nodes = module:open_store("mix_pubsub"); local node_config = module:open_store("mix_pubsub", "map"); local function itemstore(username) local driver = storagemanager.get_driver(module.host, "mix_data"); return function (config, node) module:log("debug", "Creating new persistent item store for user %s, node %q", username, node); local archive = driver:open("mix_pubsub_"..node, "archive"); return lib_pubsub.archive_itemstore(archive, config, username, node, false); end end function Channel:get_pubsub_service() local service = services[self.jid]; if service then return service; end service = pubsub.new({ node_defaults = { ["persist_items"] = true; ["access_model"] = "open"; -- TODO ["max_items"] = 256; -- TODO: Once "max" is supported }; broadcaster = self:get_broadcaster(); nodestore = known_nodes; itemstore = itemstore(self.jid); }); services[self.jid] = service; return service; end function Channel:get_spid(jid) -- Returns the Stable Participant ID for the *BARE* jid return self.spid[jid]; end function Channel:set_spid(jid, spid) -- Sets the Stable Participant ID for the *BARE* jid self.spid[jid] = spid; end function Channel:find_participant(jid) -- Returns the index of a participant in a channel. Returns -1 -- if the participant is not found local function is_participant(p) return p.jid == jid; end local _, participant = helpers.find(self.participants, is_participant); return participant; end function Channel:is_participant(jid) -- Returns true if jid is a participant of the channel. False otherwise. return self:find_participant(jid) ~= nil; end function Channel:get_encoded_participant_jid(jid) -- TODO: This assumes that jid is a participant local spid = self:get_spid(jid_lib.bare(jid)); return spid.."#"..self.jid; end function Channel:is_subscribed(jid, node) -- Returns true of JID is subscribed to node on this channel. Returns false -- otherwise. return helpers.find_str(self.subscriptions[jid], node) ~= -1; end function Channel:debug_print() module:log("debug", "Channel %s (%s)", self.jid, self.name); module:log("debug", "'%s'", self.description); for _, p in pairs(self.participants) do module:log("debug", "=> %s (%s)", p.jid, p.nick); end module:log("debug", "Contacts:"); for _, c in pairs(self.contacts) do module:log("debug", "=> %s", c); end if self.subscriptions then module:log("debug", "Subscriptions:"); for user, subs in pairs(self.subscriptions) do module:log("debug", "[%s]", user); for _, sub in pairs(subs) do module:log("debug", "=> %s", sub); end end end end function Channel:broadcast_message(message, participant, archive) -- Broadcast a message stanza according to rules layed out by -- XEP-0369 local msg = st.clone(message); msg:add_child(st.stanza("mix", { xmlns = namespaces.mix_core }) :tag("nick"):text(participant.nick):up() :tag("jid"):text(participant.jid):up()); -- Put the message into the archive local mam_id = uuid.generate(); msg.attr.id = mam_id; -- NOTE: The spec says to do so msg.attr.from = self.jid; archive:append(message.attr.to, mam_id, msg, time.now()); msg.attr.from = self.jid.."/"..self:get_spid(participant.jid); if module:fire_event("mix-broadcast-message", { message = msg, channel = self }) then return; end for _, p in pairs(self.participants) do -- Only users who subscribed to the messages node should receive -- messages if self:is_subscribed(p.jid, namespaces.messages) then local tmp = st.clone(msg); tmp.attr.to = p.jid; module:send(tmp); end end end function Channel:publish_participant(spid, participant) -- Publish a new participant on the service -- NOTE: This function has be to called *after* the new participant -- has been added to the channel.participants array local srv = self:get_pubsub_service(); srv:set_node_config(namespaces.participants, true, { ["max_items"] = #self.participants }); srv:publish(namespaces.participants, true, spid, st.stanza("item", { id = spid, xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub" }) :tag("participant", { xmlns = namespaces.mix_core }) :tag("nick"):text(participant["nick"]):up() :tag("jid"):text(participant["jid"])); end function Channel:remove_participant(jid) -- Removes a user form the channel. May be a kick, may be a leave. local srv = self:get_pubsub_service(); -- Step 1: Unsubscribe from all subscribed nodes for _, node in ipairs(self.subscriptions[jid]) do srv:remove_subscription(node, true, jid); end self.subscriptions[jid] = nil; -- Step 2: Remove affiliations to all nodes for _, node in ipairs(self.nodes) do srv:set_affiliation(node, true, jid, "outcast"); end -- Step 3: Remove jid as participant local participant = self:find_participant(jid); self.participants = array.filter(self.participants, function (p) return p.jid ~= jid end); -- Step 4: Retract jid from participants node local spid = self:get_spid(jid); local notifier = st.stanza("retract", { id = spid }); srv:retract(namespaces.participants, true, jid, notifier); self:save_state(); end function Channel:publish_info(srv) local timestamp = datetime.datetime(time.now()); local info = st.stanza("item", { id = timestamp, xmlns = namespaces.pubsub }) :add_child(lib_forms.mix_info:form({ ["FORM_TYPE"] = "hidden", ["Name"] = self.name, ["Description"] = self.description, ["Contact"] = self.contacts }, "result")); srv:publish(namespaces.info, true, timestamp, info); end local function get_node_access_model(node, adhoc) -- TODO if adhoc then return "whitelist"; else return "open"; end end local function get_node_max_items(node) -- TODO: Would be nice if we could just return "max" -- TODO: Handle all nodes if node == namespaces.messages then return 0; elseif node == namespaces.info or node == namespaces.config then return 1; end return 256; end local function channel_not_found(stanza) -- Wrapper for returning a "Channel-not-found" error stanza return st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "item-not-found", "The MIX channel was not found"); end function Channel:set_affiliation(node, target, role) -- Set the affiliation of target to node depending on what -- node it is and whether target is the creator or not local srv = self:get_pubsub_service(); local affiliation = "member"; if node == namespaces.presence then affiliation = "none"; end -- TODO(MIX-ADMIN): Also handle OWNER, ADMIN if role == "creator" then if node == namespaces.info or node == namespaces.allowed or node == namespaces.banned or node == namespaces.config or node == namespaces.avatar or node == namespaces.avatar_metadata then affiliation = "publisher"; end end srv:set_affiliation(node, true, target, affiliation); end function Channel:may_subscribe(actor, node, joining) if joining then -- TODO: Is this true? return true; end if self:is_participant(actor) then -- TODO(MIX-ADMIN): This is possible if the actor is an owner or admin return node ~= namespaces.config; end return false; end function Channel:may_publish(actor, node) return node ~= namespaces.presence and node ~= namespaces.messages; end function Channel:may_retract(actor, node) -- TODO: Maybe put may_{publish, retract} together return node ~= namespaces.presence and node ~= namespaces.messages; end function Channel:may_retrieve_items(actor, node) return node ~= namespaces.presence and node ~= namespaces.messages; end function Channel:may_join(actor) -- TODO(MIX-ADMIN): Check the allowed and banned node return true; end return { Channel = Channel; Participant = Participant; get_node_access_model = get_node_access_model; get_node_max_items = get_node_max_items; channel_not_found = channel_not_found; };