import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:omemo_dart/omemo_dart.dart'; import 'package:omemo_dart/src/protobuf/schema.pb.dart'; import 'package:omemo_dart/src/trust/always.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; extension BytesToBase64 on List { String toBase64() => base64Encode(this); } class TestingTrustManager extends AlwaysTrustingTrustManager { final Map devices = {}; @override Future onNewSession(String jid, int deviceId) async { devices[jid] = deviceId; } } void main() { Logger.root ..level = Level.ALL ..onRecord.listen((record) { // ignore: avoid_print print('${}: ${record.message}'); }); test('Test sending a message without the device list cache', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; var aliceEmptyMessageSent = 0; var bobEmptyMessageSent = 0; final aliceDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceManager = OmemoManager( aliceDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async { aliceEmptyMessageSent++; }, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return bobDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final bobManager = OmemoManager( bobDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async { bobEmptyMessageSent++; }, (jid) async { expect(jid, aliceJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, aliceJid); return aliceDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice sends a message final aliceResult = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello world', ), ); // Bob must be able to decrypt the message final bobResult = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult.payload, 'Hello world'); expect(bobResult.error, null); expect(aliceEmptyMessageSent, 0); expect(bobEmptyMessageSent, 1); // Alice receives the ack message await aliceManager.ratchetAcknowledged( bobJid,, ); // Bob now responds final bobResult2 = await bobManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [aliceJid], 'Hello world, Alice', ), ); final aliceResult2 = await aliceManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( bobJid,, bobResult2.encryptedKeys[aliceJid]!, base64.encode(bobResult2.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(aliceResult2.error, null); expect(aliceEmptyMessageSent, 0); expect(bobEmptyMessageSent, 1); expect(aliceResult2.payload, 'Hello world, Alice'); }); test('Test triggering the heartbeat', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; var aliceEmptyMessageSent = 0; var bobEmptyMessageSent = 0; final aliceDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); EncryptionResult? bobEmptyMessage; final aliceManager = OmemoManager( aliceDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async { aliceEmptyMessageSent++; }, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return bobDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final bobManager = OmemoManager( bobDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async { bobEmptyMessageSent++; bobEmptyMessage = result; }, (jid) async { expect(jid, aliceJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, aliceJid); return aliceDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice sends a message final aliceResult = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello world', ), ); // Bob must be able to decrypt the message final bobResult = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(aliceEmptyMessageSent, 0); expect(bobEmptyMessageSent, 1); expect(bobResult.payload, 'Hello world'); // Bob acknowledges the message await aliceManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( bobJid,, bobEmptyMessage!.encryptedKeys[aliceJid]!, null, false, ), ); // Alice now sends 52 messages that Bob decrypts for (var i = 0; i < 52; i++) { Logger.root.finest('${i + 1}/52'); final aliceResultLoop = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Test message $i', ), ); expect(aliceResultLoop.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!.first.kex, isFalse); final bobResultLoop = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResultLoop.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResultLoop.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResultLoop.error, null); expect(aliceEmptyMessageSent, 0); expect(bobEmptyMessageSent, 1); expect(bobResultLoop.payload, 'Test message $i'); } // Alice sends a final message that triggers a heartbeat final aliceResultFinal = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Test message last', ), ); final bobResultFinal = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResultFinal.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResultFinal.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(aliceEmptyMessageSent, 0); expect(bobEmptyMessageSent, 2); expect(bobResultFinal.payload, 'Test message last'); // Alice receives it and sends another message final aliceResultPostFinal = await aliceManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( bobJid,, bobEmptyMessage!.encryptedKeys[aliceJid]!, null, false, ), ); expect(aliceResultPostFinal.error, null); final aliceMessagePostFinal = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], "I'm not done yet!", ), ); // And Bob decrypts it final bobResultPostFinal = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceMessagePostFinal.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64Encode(aliceMessagePostFinal.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResultPostFinal.error, null); expect(bobResultPostFinal.payload, "I'm not done yet!"); expect(aliceEmptyMessageSent, 0); expect(bobEmptyMessageSent, 2); }); test('Test accessing data without it existing', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; final aliceDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceManager = OmemoManager( aliceDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async => [], (jid, id) async => null, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Get non-existant fingerprints expect( await aliceManager.getFingerprintsForJid(bobJid), null, ); // Ack a non-existant ratchet await aliceManager.ratchetAcknowledged( bobJid, 42, ); }); test('Test receiving a message encrypted for another device', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; var oldDevice = true; final aliceDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobOldDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobCurrentDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceManager = OmemoManager( aliceDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return oldDevice ? [] : []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return oldDevice ? bobOldDevice.toBundle() : bobCurrentDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final bobManager = OmemoManager( bobCurrentDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async => [], (jid, id) async => null, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice encrypts a message to Bob final aliceResult1 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello Bob', ), ); // Bob's current device receives it final bobResult1 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult1.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult1.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult1.payload, null); expect(bobResult1.error, const TypeMatcher()); // Now Alice's client loses and regains the connection await aliceManager.onNewConnection(); oldDevice = false; // And Alice sends a new message final aliceResult2 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello Bob x2', ), ); final bobResult2 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult2.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult2.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(aliceResult2.encryptedKeys.length, 1); expect(bobResult2.error, null); expect(bobResult2.payload, 'Hello Bob x2'); }); test('Test receiving a response from a new device', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; var bothDevices = false; final aliceDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice1 = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice2 = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceManager = OmemoManager( aliceDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return [, if (bothDevices), ]; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); if (bothDevices) { if (id == { return bobDevice1.toBundle(); } else if (id == { return bobDevice2.toBundle(); } } else { if (id == return bobDevice1.toBundle(); } return null; }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final bobManager1 = OmemoManager( bobDevice1, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async => [], (jid, id) async => null, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final bobManager2 = OmemoManager( bobDevice2, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { expect(jid, aliceJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, aliceJid); return aliceDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice sends a message to Bob final aliceResult1 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello Bob!', ), ); // Bob decrypts it final bobResult1 = await bobManager1.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult1.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult1.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(aliceResult1.encryptedKeys.length, 1); expect(bobResult1.payload, 'Hello Bob!'); // Now Bob encrypts from his new device bothDevices = true; final bobResult2 = await bobManager2.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [aliceJid], 'Hello from my new device', ), ); // And Alice decrypts it final aliceResult2 = await aliceManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( bobJid,, bobResult2.encryptedKeys[aliceJid]!, base64.encode(bobResult2.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(aliceResult2.payload, 'Hello from my new device'); }); test('Test receiving a device list update', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; var bothDevices = false; final aliceDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice1 = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice2 = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceManager = OmemoManager( aliceDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return [, if (bothDevices), ]; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); if (bothDevices) { if (id == { return bobDevice1.toBundle(); } else if (id == { return bobDevice2.toBundle(); } } else { if (id == return bobDevice1.toBundle(); } return null; }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final bobManager1 = OmemoManager( bobDevice1, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async => null, (jid, id) async => null, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final bobManager2 = OmemoManager( bobDevice2, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async => null, (jid, id) async => null, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice sends a message to Bob final aliceResult1 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello Bob!', ), ); // Bob decrypts it final bobResult1 = await bobManager1.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult1.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult1.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(aliceResult1.encryptedKeys.length, 1); expect(bobResult1.payload, 'Hello Bob!'); // Bob acks the ratchet session await aliceManager.ratchetAcknowledged(bobJid,; // Bob now publishes a new device bothDevices = true; await aliceManager.onDeviceListUpdate( bobJid, [,, ], ); // Now Alice encrypts another message final aliceResult2 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello Bob! x2', ), ); expect(aliceResult2.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!.length, 2); // And Bob decrypts it final bobResult21 = await bobManager1.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult2.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult2.ciphertext!), false, ), ); final bobResult22 = await bobManager2.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult2.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult2.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult21.payload, 'Hello Bob! x2'); expect(bobResult22.payload, 'Hello Bob! x2'); // Bob2 now responds final bobResult32 = await bobManager2.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [aliceJid], 'Hello Alice!', ), ); // And Alice responds final aliceResult3 = await aliceManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( bobJid,, bobResult32.encryptedKeys[aliceJid]!, base64.encode(bobResult32.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(aliceResult3.payload, 'Hello Alice!'); }); test('Test sending a message to two different JIDs', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; const cocoJid = 'coco@server3'; final aliceDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); final cocoDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(cocoJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceManager = OmemoManager( aliceDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { if (jid == bobJid) { return []; } else if (jid == cocoJid) { return []; } return null; }, (jid, id) async { if (jid == bobJid) { return bobDevice.toBundle(); } else if (jid == cocoJid) { return cocoDevice.toBundle(); } return null; }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final bobManager = OmemoManager( bobDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async => null, (jid, id) async => null, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final cocoManager = OmemoManager( cocoDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async => null, (jid, id) async => null, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice sends a message to Bob and Coco final aliceResult = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid, cocoJid], 'Hello Bob and Coco!', ), ); // Bob and Coco decrypt them final bobResult = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult.ciphertext!), false, ), ); final cocoResult = await cocoManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult.encryptedKeys[cocoJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult.error, null); expect(cocoResult.error, null); expect(bobResult.payload, 'Hello Bob and Coco!'); expect(cocoResult.payload, 'Hello Bob and Coco!'); }); test('Test a fetch failure', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; var failure = false; final aliceDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceManager = OmemoManager( aliceDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return failure ? null : []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return failure ? null : bobDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final bobManager = OmemoManager( bobDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async => null, (jid, id) async => null, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice sends a message to Bob and Coco final aliceResult1 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello Bob!', ), ); // Bob decrypts it final bobResult1 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult1.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult1.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult1.error, null); expect(bobResult1.payload, 'Hello Bob!'); // Bob acks the message await aliceManager.ratchetAcknowledged( bobJid,, ); // Alice has to reconnect but has no connection yet failure = true; await aliceManager.onNewConnection(); // Alice sends another message to Bob final aliceResult2 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello Bob! x2', ), ); // And Bob decrypts it final bobResult2 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult2.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult2.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult2.error, null); expect(bobResult2.payload, 'Hello Bob! x2'); }); test('Test sending a message with failed lookups', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; final aliceDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceManager = OmemoManager( aliceDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return null; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return null; }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice sends a message to Bob final aliceResult = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello Bob!', ), ); expect(aliceResult.canSend, isFalse); expect(aliceResult.deviceEncryptionErrors[bobJid]!.length, 1); final error = aliceResult.deviceEncryptionErrors[bobJid]!.first; expect(error.error, const TypeMatcher()); }); test('Test sending a message two two JIDs with failed lookups', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; const cocoJid = 'coco@server3'; final aliceDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceManager = OmemoManager( aliceDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { if (jid == bobJid) { return []; } return null; }, (jid, id) async { if (jid == bobJid) { return bobDevice.toBundle(); } return null; }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final bobManager = OmemoManager( bobDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async => null, (jid, id) async => null, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice sends a message to Bob and Coco final aliceResult = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid, cocoJid], 'Hello Bob and Coco!', ), ); expect(aliceResult.canSend, isFalse); expect(aliceResult.deviceEncryptionErrors[cocoJid]!.length, 1); expect( aliceResult.deviceEncryptionErrors[cocoJid]!.first.error, const TypeMatcher(), ); // Bob decrypts it final bobResult = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult.payload, 'Hello Bob and Coco!'); }); test('Test sending multiple messages back and forth', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; final aliceDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceManager = OmemoManager( aliceDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return bobDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final bobManager = OmemoManager( bobDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async => null, (jid, id) async => null, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice encrypts a message for Bob final aliceMessage = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello Bob!', ), ); // And Bob decrypts it await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceMessage.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceMessage.ciphertext!), false, ), ); // Ratchets are acked await aliceManager.ratchetAcknowledged( bobJid,, ); for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { final messageText = 'Test Message #$i'; // Bob responds to Alice final bobResponseMessage = await bobManager.onOutgoingStanza( OmemoOutgoingStanza( [aliceJid], messageText, ), ); expect(bobResponseMessage.canSend, isTrue); final aliceReceivedMessage = await aliceManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( bobJid,, bobResponseMessage.encryptedKeys[aliceJid]!, base64.encode(bobResponseMessage.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(aliceReceivedMessage.payload, messageText); } }); test('Test removing all ratchets and sending a message', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; final aliceDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); EncryptionResult? aliceEmptyMessage; final aliceManager = OmemoManager( aliceDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async { aliceEmptyMessage = result; }, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return bobDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final bobManager = OmemoManager( bobDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async => null, (jid, id) async => null, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice encrypts a message for Bob final aliceResult1 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello Bob!', ), ); // And Bob decrypts it await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult1.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult1.ciphertext!), false, ), ); // Ratchets are acked await aliceManager.ratchetAcknowledged( bobJid,, ); // Alice now removes all ratchets for Bob and sends another new message await aliceManager.removeAllRatchets(bobJid); expect(aliceManager.getRatchet(RatchetMapKey(bobJid,, null); // Alice prepares an empty OMEMO message await aliceManager.sendOmemoHeartbeat(bobJid); // And Bob receives it final bobResult2 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid, await aliceManager.getDeviceId(), aliceEmptyMessage!.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, null, false, ), ); expect(bobResult2.error, null); // Bob acks the new ratchet await aliceManager.ratchetAcknowledged( bobJid, await bobManager.getDeviceId(), ); // Alice sends another message final aliceResult3 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'I did not trust your last device, Bob!', ), ); // Bob decrypts it final bobResult3 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult3.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult3.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult3.error, null); expect(bobResult3.payload, 'I did not trust your last device, Bob!'); // Bob responds final bobResult4 = await bobManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [aliceJid], "That's okay.", ), ); // Alice decrypts final aliceResult4 = await aliceManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( bobJid,, bobResult4.encryptedKeys[aliceJid]!, base64.encode(bobResult4.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(aliceResult4.error, null); expect(aliceResult4.payload, "That's okay."); }); test( 'Test removing all ratchets and sending a message without post-heartbeat ack', () async { // This test is the same as "Test removing all ratchets and sending a message" except // that Bob does not ack the ratchet after Alice's heartbeat after she recreated // all ratchets. const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; final aliceDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); EncryptionResult? aliceEmptyMessage; final aliceManager = OmemoManager( aliceDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async { aliceEmptyMessage = result; }, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return bobDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final bobManager = OmemoManager( bobDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async => null, (jid, id) async => null, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice encrypts a message for Bob final aliceResult1 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello Bob!', ), ); // And Bob decrypts it final bobResult1 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult1.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult1.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult1.error, isNull); // Ratchets are acked await aliceManager.ratchetAcknowledged( bobJid,, ); // Alice now removes all ratchets for Bob and sends another new message'Removing all ratchets for $bobJid'); await aliceManager.removeAllRatchets(bobJid); expect( aliceManager.getRatchet(RatchetMapKey(bobJid,, isNull, ); // Alice prepares an empty OMEMO message await aliceManager.sendOmemoHeartbeat(bobJid); // And Bob receives it final bobResult2 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid, await aliceManager.getDeviceId(), aliceEmptyMessage!.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, null, false, ), ); expect(bobResult2.error, null); // Alice sends another message'Sending final message'); final aliceResult3 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'I did not trust your last device, Bob!', ), ); expect(aliceResult3.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!.first.kex, isTrue); // Bob decrypts it final bobResult3 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult3.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult3.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult3.error, null); expect(bobResult3.payload, 'I did not trust your last device, Bob!'); // Bob responds final bobResult4 = await bobManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [aliceJid], "That's okay.", ), ); // Alice decrypts final aliceResult4 = await aliceManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( bobJid,, bobResult4.encryptedKeys[aliceJid]!, base64.encode(bobResult4.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(aliceResult4.error, null); expect(aliceResult4.payload, "That's okay."); }); test('Test resending key exchanges', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; final aliceDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceManager = OmemoManager( aliceDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return bobDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final bobManager = OmemoManager( bobDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { expect(jid, aliceJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, aliceJid); return aliceDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice sends Bob a message final aliceResult1 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello World!', ), ); // The first message must be a KEX message expect(aliceResult1.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!.first.kex, isTrue); // Bob decrypts Alice's message final bobResult1 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult1.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult1.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult1.error, null); expect(bobResult1.payload, 'Hello World!'); // Alice immediately sends another message final aliceResult2 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello Bob', ), ); // The response should contain a KEX expect(aliceResult2.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!.first.kex, isTrue); // The basic data should be the same final parsedFirstKex = OMEMOKeyExchange.fromBuffer( base64.decode(aliceResult1.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!.first.value), ); final parsedSecondKex = OMEMOKeyExchange.fromBuffer( base64.decode(aliceResult2.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!.first.value), ); expect(parsedSecondKex.pkId, parsedFirstKex.pkId); expect(parsedSecondKex.spkId, parsedFirstKex.spkId); expect(parsedSecondKex.ik, parsedFirstKex.ik); expect(parsedSecondKex.ek, parsedFirstKex.ek); // Bob decrypts it final bobResult2 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult2.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult2.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult2.error, null); expect(bobResult2.payload, 'Hello Bob'); // Bob also sends a message final bobResult3 = await bobManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [aliceJid], 'Hello Alice!', ), ); // Alice decrypts it final aliceResult3 = await aliceManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( bobJid,, bobResult3.encryptedKeys[aliceJid]!, base64.encode(bobResult3.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(aliceResult3.error, null); expect(aliceResult3.payload, 'Hello Alice!'); // Bob now acks the ratchet await aliceManager.ratchetAcknowledged( bobJid,, ); // Alice replies final aliceResult4 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hi Bob', ), ); // The response should contain no KEX expect(aliceResult4.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!.first.kex, isFalse); // Bob decrypts it final bobResult4 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult4.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult4.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult4.error, null); expect(bobResult4.payload, 'Hi Bob'); }); test('Test correct trust behaviour on receiving', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; final aliceDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceManager = OmemoManager( aliceDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return bobDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final bobManager = OmemoManager( bobDevice, TestingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { expect(jid, aliceJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, aliceJid); return aliceDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice sends Bob a message final aliceResult1 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello World!', ), ); // Bob decrypts Alice's message final bobResult1 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult1.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult1.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult1.error, null); // Bob should have some trust state await bobManager.withTrustManager( bobJid, (tm) async { expect( (tm as TestingTrustManager).devices[aliceJid], await aliceManager.getDeviceId(), ); }, ); }); test('Test receiving a non-KEX from a new device', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; final aliceDevice1 = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceDevice2 = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceManager1 = OmemoManager( aliceDevice1, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return bobDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final aliceManager2 = OmemoManager( aliceDevice2, TestingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return bobDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); EncryptionResult? bobEmptyMessage; var includeAlice2 = false; final bobManager = OmemoManager( bobDevice, TestingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async { bobEmptyMessage = result; }, (jid) async { expect(jid, aliceJid); return [, if (includeAlice2), ]; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, aliceJid); if (id == { return aliceDevice1.toBundle(); } else if (id == { return aliceDevice2.toBundle(); } return null; }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice sends Bob a message final aliceResult1 = await aliceManager1.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello World!', ), ); // Bob decrypts Alice's message final bobResult1 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult1.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult1.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult1.error, null); expect(bobEmptyMessage, isNotNull); // Somehow create a non-KEX message without Bob creating a ratchet await aliceManager2.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza([bobJid], 'lol'), ); await aliceManager2.ratchetAcknowledged(bobJid,; final aliceResult2 = await aliceManager2.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza([bobJid], 'lol x2'), ); // Bob decrypts it and fails, but builds a session with the new device bobEmptyMessage = null; includeAlice2 = true; final bobResult2 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult2.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64Encode(aliceResult2.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult2.error, const TypeMatcher()); expect(bobEmptyMessage, isNotNull); // Check that the empty message is encrypted for both of Alice's devices expect( bobEmptyMessage!.encryptedKeys[aliceJid]! .firstWhereOrNull((key) => key.rid ==, isNotNull, ); expect( bobEmptyMessage!.encryptedKeys[aliceJid]! .firstWhereOrNull((key) => key.rid ==, isNotNull, ); }); test( 'Test receiving a non-KEX from a new device without device list inclusion', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; final aliceDevice1 = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceDevice2 = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceManager1 = OmemoManager( aliceDevice1, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return bobDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); final aliceManager2 = OmemoManager( aliceDevice2, TestingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return bobDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); EncryptionResult? bobEmptyMessage; final bobManager = OmemoManager( bobDevice, TestingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async { bobEmptyMessage = result; }, (jid) async { expect(jid, aliceJid); return [, ]; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, aliceJid); if (id == { return aliceDevice1.toBundle(); } else if (id == { return aliceDevice2.toBundle(); } return null; }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice sends Bob a message final aliceResult1 = await aliceManager1.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello World!', ), ); // Bob decrypts Alice's message final bobResult1 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult1.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult1.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult1.error, null); expect(bobEmptyMessage, isNotNull); // Somehow create a non-KEX message without Bob creating a ratchet await aliceManager2.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza([bobJid], 'lol'), ); await aliceManager2.ratchetAcknowledged(bobJid,; final aliceResult2 = await aliceManager2.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza([bobJid], 'lol x2'), ); // Bob decrypts it and fails, but builds a session with the new device bobEmptyMessage = null; final bobResult2 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult2.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64Encode(aliceResult2.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult2.error, const TypeMatcher()); expect(bobEmptyMessage, isNotNull); // Check that the empty message is encrypted for both of Alice's devices expect( bobEmptyMessage!.encryptedKeys[aliceJid]! .firstWhereOrNull((key) => key.rid ==, isNotNull, ); expect( bobEmptyMessage!.encryptedKeys[aliceJid]! .firstWhereOrNull((key) => key.rid ==, isNotNull, ); }); test('Test receiving an empty OMEMO message', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server1'; const bobJid = 'bob@server2'; final aliceDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(aliceJid, opkAmount: 1); final bobDevice = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(bobJid, opkAmount: 1); final aliceManager = OmemoManager( aliceDevice, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async {}, (jid) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return []; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, bobJid); return bobDevice.toBundle(); }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); EncryptionResult? bobEmptyMessage; final bobManager = OmemoManager( bobDevice, TestingTrustManager(), (result, recipientJid) async { bobEmptyMessage = result; }, (jid) async { expect(jid, aliceJid); return [, ]; }, (jid, id) async { expect(jid, aliceJid); if (id == { return aliceDevice.toBundle(); } return null; }, (jid) async {}, (_) async {}, ); // Alice sends Bob a message final aliceResult1 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello World!', ), ); // Bob decrypts Alice's message final bobResult1 = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult1.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, base64.encode(aliceResult1.ciphertext!), false, ), ); expect(bobResult1.error, null); expect(bobEmptyMessage, isNotNull); // Bob now sends the empty OMEMO message to Alice, who then decrypts // it. final aliceResult2 = await aliceManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( bobJid,, bobEmptyMessage!.encryptedKeys[aliceJid]!, bobEmptyMessage!.ciphertext?.toBase64(), false, ), ); expect(aliceResult2.error, isNull); expect(aliceResult2.payload, isNull); expect(aliceManager.getRatchet(RatchetMapKey(bobJid,!.acknowledged, isTrue); // Now Alice sends something to Bob final aliceResult3 = await aliceManager.onOutgoingStanza( const OmemoOutgoingStanza( [bobJid], 'Hello Bob', ), ); // And Bob decrypts it final bobResult = await bobManager.onIncomingStanza( OmemoIncomingStanza( aliceJid,, aliceResult3.encryptedKeys[bobJid]!, aliceResult3.ciphertext?.toBase64(), false, ), ); expect(bobResult.error, isNull); expect(bobResult.payload, 'Hello Bob'); }); }