import 'package:omemo_dart/omemo_dart.dart'; import 'package:omemo_dart/src/trust/always.dart'; import 'package:omemo_dart/src/trust/never.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; void main() { test('Test using OMEMO sessions with only one device per user', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server.example'; const bobJid = 'bob@other.server.example'; // Alice and Bob generate their sessions var deviceModified = false; var ratchetModified = 0; var deviceMapModified = 0; final aliceSession = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( aliceJid, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); final bobSession = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( bobJid, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); final bobOpks = (await bobSession.getDevice()).opks.values.toList(); bobSession.eventStream.listen((event) { if (event is DeviceModifiedEvent) { deviceModified = true; } else if (event is RatchetModifiedEvent) { ratchetModified++; } else if (event is DeviceMapModifiedEvent) { deviceMapModified++; } }); // Alice encrypts a message for Bob const messagePlaintext = 'Hello Bob!'; final aliceMessage = await aliceSession.encryptToJid( bobJid, messagePlaintext, newSessions: [ await (await bobSession.getDevice()).toBundle(), ], ); expect(aliceMessage.encryptedKeys.length, 1); // Alice sends the message to Bob // ... // Bob decrypts it final bobMessage = await bobSession.decryptMessage( aliceMessage.ciphertext, aliceJid, (await aliceSession.getDevice()).id, aliceMessage.encryptedKeys, ); expect(messagePlaintext, bobMessage); // The ratchet should be modified two times: Once for when the ratchet is created and // other time for when the message is decrypted expect(ratchetModified, 2); // Bob's device map should be modified once expect(deviceMapModified, 1); // The event should be triggered expect(deviceModified, true); // Bob should have replaced his OPK expect( listsEqual(bobOpks, (await bobSession.getDevice()).opks.values.toList()), false, ); // Bob responds to Alice const bobResponseText = 'Oh, hello Alice!'; final bobResponseMessage = await bobSession.encryptToJid( aliceJid, bobResponseText, ); // Bob sends the message to Alice // ... // Alice decrypts it final aliceReceivedMessage = await aliceSession.decryptMessage( bobResponseMessage.ciphertext, bobJid, (await bobSession.getDevice()).id, bobResponseMessage.encryptedKeys, ); expect(bobResponseText, aliceReceivedMessage); }); test('Test using OMEMO sessions with only two devices for the receiver', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server.example'; const bobJid = 'bob@other.server.example'; // Alice and Bob generate their sessions final aliceSession = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( aliceJid, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); final bobSession = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( bobJid, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); // Bob's other device final bobSession2 = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( bobJid, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); // Alice encrypts a message for Bob const messagePlaintext = 'Hello Bob!'; final aliceMessage = await aliceSession.encryptToJid( bobJid, messagePlaintext, newSessions: [ await (await bobSession.getDevice()).toBundle(), await (await bobSession2.getDevice()).toBundle(), ], ); expect(aliceMessage.encryptedKeys.length, 2); expect(aliceMessage.encryptedKeys[0].kex, true); expect(aliceMessage.encryptedKeys[1].kex, true); // Alice sends the message to Bob // ... // Bob decrypts it final bobMessage = await bobSession.decryptMessage( aliceMessage.ciphertext, aliceJid, (await aliceSession.getDevice()).id, aliceMessage.encryptedKeys, ); expect(messagePlaintext, bobMessage); // Bob responds to Alice const bobResponseText = 'Oh, hello Alice!'; final bobResponseMessage = await bobSession.encryptToJid( aliceJid, bobResponseText, ); // Bob sends the message to Alice // ... // Alice decrypts it final aliceReceivedMessage = await aliceSession.decryptMessage( bobResponseMessage.ciphertext, bobJid, (await bobSession.getDevice()).id, bobResponseMessage.encryptedKeys, ); expect(bobResponseText, aliceReceivedMessage); // Alice checks the fingerprints final fingerprints = await aliceSession.getHexFingerprintsForJid(bobJid); // Check that they the fingerprints are correct expect(fingerprints.length, 2); expect(fingerprints[0] != fingerprints[1], true); // Check that those two calls do not throw an exception aliceSession ..getRatchet(bobJid, fingerprints[0].deviceId) ..getRatchet(bobJid, fingerprints[1].deviceId); }); test('Test using OMEMO sessions with encrypt to self', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server.example'; const bobJid = 'bob@other.server.example'; // Alice and Bob generate their sessions final aliceSession1 = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( aliceJid, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); final aliceSession2 = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( aliceJid, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); final bobSession = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( bobJid, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); // Alice encrypts a message for Bob const messagePlaintext = 'Hello Bob!'; final aliceMessage = await aliceSession1.encryptToJids( [bobJid, aliceJid], messagePlaintext, newSessions: [ await (await bobSession.getDevice()).toBundle(), await (await aliceSession2.getDevice()).toBundle(), ], ); expect(aliceMessage.encryptedKeys.length, 2); // Alice sends the message to Bob // ... // Bob decrypts it final bobMessage = await bobSession.decryptMessage( aliceMessage.ciphertext, aliceJid, (await aliceSession1.getDevice()).id, aliceMessage.encryptedKeys, ); expect(messagePlaintext, bobMessage); // Alice's other device decrypts it final aliceMessage2 = await aliceSession2.decryptMessage( aliceMessage.ciphertext, aliceJid, (await aliceSession1.getDevice()).id, aliceMessage.encryptedKeys, ); expect(messagePlaintext, aliceMessage2); }); test('Test using sending empty OMEMO messages', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server.example'; const bobJid = 'bob@other.server.example'; // Alice and Bob generate their sessions final aliceSession = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( aliceJid, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); final bobSession = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( bobJid, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); // Alice encrypts a message for Bob final aliceMessage = await aliceSession.encryptToJid( bobJid, null, newSessions: [ await (await bobSession.getDevice()).toBundle(), ], ); expect(aliceMessage.encryptedKeys.length, 1); expect(aliceMessage.ciphertext, null); // Alice sends the message to Bob // ... // Bob decrypts it final bobMessage = await bobSession.decryptMessage( aliceMessage.ciphertext, aliceJid, (await aliceSession.getDevice()).id, aliceMessage.encryptedKeys, ); expect(bobMessage, null); // This call must not cause an exception bobSession.getRatchet(aliceJid, (await aliceSession.getDevice()).id); }); test('Test rotating the Signed Prekey', () async { // Generate the session const aliceJid = 'alice@some.server'; final aliceSession = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( aliceJid, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); // Setup an event listener final oldDevice = await aliceSession.getDevice(); Device? newDevice; aliceSession.eventStream.listen((event) { if (event is DeviceModifiedEvent) { newDevice = event.device; } }); // Rotate the Signed Prekey await aliceSession.rotateSignedPrekey(); // Just for safety... await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2)); expect(await oldDevice.equals(newDevice!), false); expect(await newDevice!.equals(await aliceSession.getDevice()), true); expect(await newDevice!.oldSpk!.equals(oldDevice.spk), true); expect(newDevice!.oldSpkId, oldDevice.spkId); }); test('Test accepting a session with an old SPK', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server.example'; const bobJid = 'bob@other.server.example'; // Alice and Bob generate their sessions final aliceSession = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( aliceJid, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); final bobSession = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( bobJid, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); // Alice encrypts a message for Bob const messagePlaintext = 'Hello Bob!'; final aliceMessage = await aliceSession.encryptToJid( bobJid, messagePlaintext, newSessions: [ await (await bobSession.getDevice()).toBundle(), ], ); expect(aliceMessage.encryptedKeys.length, 1); // Alice loses her Internet connection. Bob rotates his SPK. await bobSession.rotateSignedPrekey(); // Alice regains her Internet connection and sends the message to Bob // ... // Bob decrypts it final bobMessage = await bobSession.decryptMessage( aliceMessage.ciphertext, aliceJid, (await aliceSession.getDevice()).id, aliceMessage.encryptedKeys, ); expect(messagePlaintext, bobMessage); }); test('Test trust bypassing with empty OMEMO messages', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server.example'; const bobJid = 'bob@other.server.example'; // Alice and Bob generate their sessions final aliceSession = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( aliceJid, NeverTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); final bobSession = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( bobJid, NeverTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); // Alice encrypts an empty message for Bob final aliceMessage = await aliceSession.encryptToJid( bobJid, null, newSessions: [ await (await bobSession.getDevice()).toBundle(), ], ); // Despite Alice not trusting Bob's device, we should have encrypted it for his // untrusted device. expect(aliceMessage.encryptedKeys.length, 1); }); test('Test by sending multiple messages back and forth', () async { const aliceJid = 'alice@server.example'; const bobJid = 'bob@other.server.example'; // Alice and Bob generate their sessions final aliceSession = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( aliceJid, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); final bobSession = await OmemoSessionManager.generateNewIdentity( bobJid, AlwaysTrustingTrustManager(), opkAmount: 1, ); // Alice encrypts a message for Bob final aliceMessage = await aliceSession.encryptToJid( bobJid, 'Hello Bob!', newSessions: [ await (await bobSession.getDevice()).toBundle(), ], ); // Alice sends the message to Bob // ... await bobSession.decryptMessage( aliceMessage.ciphertext, aliceJid, (await aliceSession.getDevice()).id, aliceMessage.encryptedKeys, ); for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { final messageText = 'Test Message #$i'; // Bob responds to Alice final bobResponseMessage = await bobSession.encryptToJid( aliceJid, messageText, ); // Bob sends the message to Alice // ... // Alice decrypts it final aliceReceivedMessage = await aliceSession.decryptMessage( bobResponseMessage.ciphertext, bobJid, (await bobSession.getDevice()).id, bobResponseMessage.encryptedKeys, ); expect(messageText, aliceReceivedMessage); } }); }