feat: Remove OmemoSessionManager

This commit is contained in:
PapaTutuWawa 2023-06-12 19:21:07 +02:00
parent 65f1daff55
commit 3783ec6f13

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@ -1,679 +0,0 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:cryptography/cryptography.dart';
import 'package:hex/hex.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/crypto.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/double_ratchet/double_ratchet.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/errors.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/helpers.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/keys.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/omemo/bundle.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/omemo/constants.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/omemo/device.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/omemo/encrypted_key.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/omemo/encryption_result.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/omemo/events.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/omemo/fingerprint.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/omemo/ratchet_map_key.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/protobuf/omemo_authenticated_message.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/protobuf/omemo_key_exchange.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/protobuf/omemo_message.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/trust/base.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/x3dh/x3dh.dart';
import 'package:synchronized/synchronized.dart';
@Deprecated('Use OmemoManager instead')
class OmemoSessionManager {
@Deprecated('Use OmemoManager instead')
OmemoSessionManager(this._device, this._deviceMap, this._ratchetMap, this._trustManager)
: _lock = Lock(),
_deviceLock = Lock(),
_eventStreamController = StreamController<OmemoEvent>.broadcast(),
_log = Logger('OmemoSessionManager');
/// Deserialise the OmemoSessionManager from JSON data [data] that does not contain
/// the ratchet sessions.
@Deprecated('Use OmemoManager instead')
factory OmemoSessionManager.fromJsonWithoutSessions(
Map<String, dynamic> data,
Map<RatchetMapKey, OmemoDoubleRatchet> ratchetMap,
TrustManager trustManager,
) {
// NOTE: Dart has some issues with just casting a List<dynamic> to List<Map<...>>, as
// such we need to convert the items by hand.
return OmemoSessionManager(
OmemoDevice.fromJson(data['device']! as Map<String, dynamic>),
(data['devices']! as Map<String, dynamic>).map<String, List<int>>(
(key, value) {
return MapEntry(
(value as List<dynamic>).map<int>((i) => i as int).toList(),
/// Generate a new cryptographic identity.
static Future<OmemoSessionManager> generateNewIdentity(String jid, TrustManager trustManager, { int opkAmount = 100 }) async {
assert(opkAmount > 0, 'opkAmount must be bigger than 0.');
final device = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(jid, opkAmount: opkAmount);
return OmemoSessionManager(device, {}, {}, trustManager);
/// Logging
Logger _log;
/// Lock for _ratchetMap and _bundleMap
final Lock _lock;
/// Mapping of the Device Id to its OMEMO session
final Map<RatchetMapKey, OmemoDoubleRatchet> _ratchetMap;
/// Mapping of a bare Jid to its Device Ids
final Map<String, List<int>> _deviceMap;
/// The event bus of the session manager
final StreamController<OmemoEvent> _eventStreamController;
/// Our own keys...
// ignore: prefer_final_fields
OmemoDevice _device;
/// and its lock
final Lock _deviceLock;
/// The trust manager
final TrustManager _trustManager;
TrustManager get trustManager => _trustManager;
/// A stream that receives events regarding the session
Stream<OmemoEvent> get eventStream => _eventStreamController.stream;
/// Returns our own device.
Future<OmemoDevice> getDevice() async {
return _deviceLock.synchronized(() => _device);
/// Returns the id attribute of our own device. This is just a short-hand for
/// ```await (session.getDevice()).id```.
Future<int> getDeviceId() async {
return _deviceLock.synchronized(() => _device.id);
/// Returns the device as an OmemoBundle. This is just a short-hand for
/// ```await (await session.getDevice()).toBundle()```.
Future<OmemoBundle> getDeviceBundle() async {
return _deviceLock.synchronized(() async => _device.toBundle());
/// Add a session [ratchet] with the [deviceId] to the internal tracking state.
Future<void> _addSession(String jid, int deviceId, OmemoDoubleRatchet ratchet) async {
await _lock.synchronized(() async {
// Add the bundle Id
if (!_deviceMap.containsKey(jid)) {
_deviceMap[jid] = [deviceId];
// Commit the device map
} else {
// Prevent having the same device multiple times in the list
if (!_deviceMap[jid]!.contains(deviceId)) {
// Commit the device map
// Add the ratchet session
final key = RatchetMapKey(jid, deviceId);
_ratchetMap[key] = ratchet;
// Commit the ratchet
_eventStreamController.add(RatchetModifiedEvent(jid, deviceId, ratchet, true, false));
/// Create a ratchet session initiated by Alice to the user with Jid [jid] and the device
/// [deviceId] from the bundle [bundle].
Future<OmemoKeyExchange> addSessionFromBundle(String jid, int deviceId, OmemoBundle bundle) async {
final device = await getDevice();
final kexResult = await x3dhFromBundle(
final ratchet = await OmemoDoubleRatchet.initiateNewSession(
await _trustManager.onNewSession(jid, deviceId);
await _addSession(jid, deviceId, ratchet);
return OmemoKeyExchange()
..pkId = kexResult.opkId
..spkId = bundle.spkId
..ik = await device.ik.pk.getBytes()
..ek = await kexResult.ek.pk.getBytes();
/// Build a new session with the user at [jid] with the device [deviceId] using data
/// from the key exchange [kex]. In case [kex] contains an unknown Signed Prekey
/// identifier an UnknownSignedPrekeyException will be thrown.
Future<OmemoDoubleRatchet> _addSessionFromKeyExchange(String jid, int deviceId, OmemoKeyExchange kex) async {
// Pick the correct SPK
final device = await getDevice();
final spk = await _lock.synchronized(() async {
if (kex.spkId == _device.spkId) {
return _device.spk;
} else if (kex.spkId == _device.oldSpkId) {
return _device.oldSpk;
return null;
if (spk == null) {
throw UnknownSignedPrekeyException();
final kexResult = await x3dhFromInitialMessage(
OmemoPublicKey.fromBytes(kex.ik!, KeyPairType.ed25519),
OmemoPublicKey.fromBytes(kex.ek!, KeyPairType.x25519),
final ratchet = await OmemoDoubleRatchet.acceptNewSession(
OmemoPublicKey.fromBytes(kex.ik!, KeyPairType.ed25519),
return ratchet;
/// Like [encryptToJids] but only for one Jid [jid].
Future<EncryptionResult> encryptToJid(String jid, String? plaintext, { List<OmemoBundle>? newSessions }) {
return encryptToJids([jid], plaintext, newSessions: newSessions);
/// Encrypt the key [plaintext] for all known bundles of the Jids in [jids]. Returns a
/// map that maps the device Id to the ciphertext of [plaintext].
/// If [plaintext] is null, then the result will be an empty OMEMO message, i.e. one that
/// does not contain a <payload /> element. This means that the ciphertext attribute of
/// the result will be null as well.
Future<EncryptionResult> encryptToJids(List<String> jids, String? plaintext, { List<OmemoBundle>? newSessions }) async {
final encryptedKeys = List<EncryptedKey>.empty(growable: true);
var ciphertext = const <int>[];
var keyPayload = const <int>[];
if (plaintext != null) {
// Generate the key and encrypt the plaintext
final key = generateRandomBytes(32);
final keys = await deriveEncryptionKeys(key, omemoPayloadInfoString);
ciphertext = await aes256CbcEncrypt(
final hmac = await truncatedHmac(ciphertext, keys.authenticationKey);
keyPayload = concat([key, hmac]);
} else {
keyPayload = List<int>.filled(32, 0x0);
final kex = <int, OmemoKeyExchange>{};
if (newSessions != null) {
for (final newSession in newSessions) {
kex[newSession.id] = await addSessionFromBundle(
await _lock.synchronized(() async {
// We assume that the user already checked if the session exists
for (final jid in jids) {
for (final deviceId in _deviceMap[jid]!) {
// Empty OMEMO messages are allowed to bypass trust
if (plaintext != null) {
// Only encrypt to devices that are trusted
if (!(await _trustManager.isTrusted(jid, deviceId))) continue;
// Onyl encrypt to devices that are enabled
if (!(await _trustManager.isEnabled(jid, deviceId))) continue;
final ratchetKey = RatchetMapKey(jid, deviceId);
var ratchet = _ratchetMap[ratchetKey]!;
final ciphertext = (await ratchet.ratchetEncrypt(keyPayload)).ciphertext;
if (kex.isNotEmpty && kex.containsKey(deviceId)) {
// The ratchet did not exist
final k = kex[deviceId]!
..message = OmemoAuthenticatedMessage.fromBuffer(ciphertext);
final buffer = base64.encode(k.writeToBuffer());
ratchet = ratchet.cloneWithKex(buffer);
_ratchetMap[ratchetKey] = ratchet;
} else if (!ratchet.acknowledged) {
// The ratchet exists but is not acked
if (ratchet.kex != null) {
final oldKex = OmemoKeyExchange.fromBuffer(base64.decode(ratchet.kex!))
..message = OmemoAuthenticatedMessage.fromBuffer(ciphertext);
} else {
// The ratchet is not acked but we don't have the old key exchange
_log.warning('Ratchet for $jid:$deviceId is not acked but the kex attribute is null');
} else {
// The ratchet exists and is acked
// Commit the ratchet
_eventStreamController.add(RatchetModifiedEvent(jid, deviceId, ratchet, false, false));
return EncryptionResult(
plaintext != null ? ciphertext : null,
const <RatchetMapKey, OmemoException>{},
const <String, OmemoException>{},
/// In case a decryption error occurs, the Double Ratchet spec says to just restore
/// the ratchet to its old state. As such, this function restores the ratchet at
/// [mapKey] with [oldRatchet].
Future<void> _restoreRatchet(RatchetMapKey mapKey, OmemoDoubleRatchet oldRatchet) async {
await _lock.synchronized(() {
_log.finest('Restoring ratchet ${mapKey.jid}:${mapKey.deviceId} to ${oldRatchet.nr}');
_ratchetMap[mapKey] = oldRatchet;
// Commit the ratchet
Future<String?> _decryptAndVerifyHmac(List<int>? ciphertext, List<int> keyAndHmac) async {
// Empty OMEMO messages should just have the key decrypted and/or session set up.
if (ciphertext == null) {
return null;
final key = keyAndHmac.sublist(0, 32);
final hmac = keyAndHmac.sublist(32, 48);
final derivedKeys = await deriveEncryptionKeys(key, omemoPayloadInfoString);
final computedHmac = await truncatedHmac(ciphertext, derivedKeys.authenticationKey);
if (!listsEqual(hmac, computedHmac)) {
throw InvalidMessageHMACException();
return utf8.decode(
await aes256CbcDecrypt(ciphertext, derivedKeys.encryptionKey, derivedKeys.iv),
/// Attempt to decrypt [ciphertext]. [keys] refers to the <key /> elements inside the
/// <keys /> element with a "jid" attribute matching our own. [senderJid] refers to the
/// bare Jid of the sender. [senderDeviceId] refers to the "sid" attribute of the
/// <encrypted /> element.
/// [timestamp] refers to the time the message was sent. This might be either what the
/// server tells you via "XEP-0203: Delayed Delivery" or the point in time at which
/// you received the stanza, if no Delayed Delivery element was found.
/// If the received message is an empty OMEMO message, i.e. there is no <payload />
/// element, then [ciphertext] must be set to null. In this case, this function
/// will return null as there is no message to be decrypted. This, however, is used
/// to set up sessions or advance the ratchets.
Future<String?> decryptMessage(List<int>? ciphertext, String senderJid, int senderDeviceId, List<EncryptedKey> keys, int timestamp) async {
// Try to find a session we can decrypt with.
var device = await getDevice();
final rawKey = keys.firstWhereOrNull((key) => key.rid == device.id);
if (rawKey == null) {
throw NotEncryptedForDeviceException();
final ratchetKey = RatchetMapKey(senderJid, senderDeviceId);
final decodedRawKey = base64.decode(rawKey.value);
List<int>? keyAndHmac;
OmemoAuthenticatedMessage authMessage;
OmemoDoubleRatchet? oldRatchet;
OmemoMessage? message;
if (rawKey.kex) {
// If the ratchet already existed, we store it. If it didn't, oldRatchet will stay
// null.
final oldRatchet = (await _getRatchet(ratchetKey))?.clone();
final kex = OmemoKeyExchange.fromBuffer(decodedRawKey);
authMessage = kex.message!;
message = OmemoMessage.fromBuffer(authMessage.message!);
// Guard against old key exchanges
if (oldRatchet != null) {
_log.finest('KEX for existent ratchet. ${oldRatchet.pn}');
if (oldRatchet.kexTimestamp > timestamp) {
throw InvalidKeyExchangeException();
// Try to decrypt it
try {
final decrypted = await oldRatchet.ratchetDecrypt(message, authMessage.writeToBuffer());
// Commit the ratchet
final plaintext = await _decryptAndVerifyHmac(
await _addSession(senderJid, senderDeviceId, oldRatchet);
return plaintext;
} catch (_) {
_log.finest('Failed to use old ratchet with KEX for existing ratchet');
final r = await _addSessionFromKeyExchange(senderJid, senderDeviceId, kex);
await _trustManager.onNewSession(senderJid, senderDeviceId);
await _addSession(senderJid, senderDeviceId, r);
// Replace the OPK
// TODO(PapaTutuWawa): Replace the OPK when we know that the KEX worked
await _deviceLock.synchronized(() async {
device = await device.replaceOnetimePrekey(kex.pkId!);
// Commit the device
} else {
authMessage = OmemoAuthenticatedMessage.fromBuffer(decodedRawKey);
message = OmemoMessage.fromBuffer(authMessage.message!);
final devices = _deviceMap[senderJid];
if (devices == null) {
throw NoDecryptionKeyException();
if (!devices.contains(senderDeviceId)) {
throw NoDecryptionKeyException();
// We can guarantee that the ratchet exists at this point in time
final ratchet = (await _getRatchet(ratchetKey))!;
oldRatchet ??= ratchet.clone();
try {
if (rawKey.kex) {
keyAndHmac = await ratchet.ratchetDecrypt(message, authMessage.writeToBuffer());
} else {
keyAndHmac = await ratchet.ratchetDecrypt(message, decodedRawKey);
} catch (_) {
await _restoreRatchet(ratchetKey, oldRatchet);
// Commit the ratchet
try {
return _decryptAndVerifyHmac(ciphertext, keyAndHmac);
} catch (_) {
await _restoreRatchet(ratchetKey, oldRatchet);
/// Returns the list of hex-encoded fingerprints we have for sessions with [jid].
Future<List<DeviceFingerprint>> getHexFingerprintsForJid(String jid) async {
final fingerprints = List<DeviceFingerprint>.empty(growable: true);
await _lock.synchronized(() async {
// Get devices for jid
final devices = _deviceMap[jid] ?? [];
for (final deviceId in devices) {
final ratchet = _ratchetMap[RatchetMapKey(jid, deviceId)]!;
HEX.encode(await ratchet.ik.getBytes()),
return fingerprints;
/// Returns the hex-encoded fingerprint of the current device.
Future<DeviceFingerprint> getHexFingerprintForDevice() async {
final device = await getDevice();
return DeviceFingerprint(
HEX.encode(await device.ik.pk.getBytes()),
/// Replaces the Signed Prekey and its signature in our own device bundle. Triggers
/// a DeviceModifiedEvent when done.
/// See https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0384.html#protocol-key_exchange under the point
/// "signed PreKey rotation period" for recommendations.
Future<void> rotateSignedPrekey() async {
await _deviceLock.synchronized(() async {
_device = await _device.replaceSignedPrekey();
// Commit the new device
/// Returns the device map, i.e. the mapping of bare Jid to its device identifiers
/// we have built sessions with.
Future<Map<String, List<int>>> getDeviceMap() async {
return _lock.synchronized(() => _deviceMap);
/// Removes the ratchet identified by [jid] and [deviceId] from the session manager.
/// Also triggers events for commiting the new device map to storage and removing
/// the old ratchet.
Future<void> removeRatchet(String jid, int deviceId) async {
await _lock.synchronized(() async {
// Remove the ratchet
_ratchetMap.remove(RatchetMapKey(jid, deviceId));
// Commit it
_eventStreamController.add(RatchetRemovedEvent(jid, deviceId));
// Remove the device from jid
if (_deviceMap[jid]!.isEmpty) {
// Commit it
/// Removes all ratchets for Jid [jid]. Triggers a DeviceMapModified event at the end and an
/// RatchetRemovedEvent for each ratchet.
Future<void> removeAllRatchets(String jid) async {
await _lock.synchronized(() async {
for (final deviceId in _deviceMap[jid]!) {
// Remove the ratchet
_ratchetMap.remove(RatchetMapKey(jid, deviceId));
// Commit it
_eventStreamController.add(RatchetRemovedEvent(jid, deviceId));
// Remove the device from jid
// Commit it
/// Returns the list of device identifiers belonging to [jid] that are yet unacked, i.e.
/// we have not yet received an empty OMEMO message from.
Future<List<int>?> getUnacknowledgedRatchets(String jid) async {
return _lock.synchronized(() async {
final ret = List<int>.empty(growable: true);
final devices = _deviceMap[jid];
if (devices == null) return null;
for (final device in devices) {
final ratchet = _ratchetMap[RatchetMapKey(jid, device)]!;
if (!ratchet.acknowledged) ret.add(device);
return ret;
/// Returns true if the ratchet for [jid] with device identifier [deviceId] is
/// acknowledged. Returns false if not.
Future<bool> isRatchetAcknowledged(String jid, int deviceId) async {
return _lock.synchronized(() => _ratchetMap[RatchetMapKey(jid, deviceId)]!.acknowledged);
/// Mark the ratchet for device [deviceId] from [jid] as acked.
Future<void> ratchetAcknowledged(String jid, int deviceId) async {
await _lock.synchronized(() async {
final ratchet = _ratchetMap[RatchetMapKey(jid, deviceId)]!
..acknowledged = true;
// Commit it
_eventStreamController.add(RatchetModifiedEvent(jid, deviceId, ratchet, false, false));
/// Generates an entirely new device. May be useful when the user wants to reset their cryptographic
/// identity. Triggers an event to commit it to storage.
Future<void> regenerateDevice({ int opkAmount = 100 }) async {
await _deviceLock.synchronized(() async {
_device = await OmemoDevice.generateNewDevice(_device.jid, opkAmount: opkAmount);
// Commit it
/// Make our device have a new identifier. Only useful before publishing it as a bundle
/// to make sure that our device has a id that is account unique.
Future<void> regenerateDeviceId() async {
await _deviceLock.synchronized(() async {
_device = _device.withNewId();
// Commit it
Future<OmemoDoubleRatchet?> _getRatchet(RatchetMapKey key) async {
return _lock.synchronized(() async {
return _ratchetMap[key];
OmemoDoubleRatchet getRatchet(String jid, int deviceId) => _ratchetMap[RatchetMapKey(jid, deviceId)]!;
Map<RatchetMapKey, OmemoDoubleRatchet> getRatchetMap() => _ratchetMap;
/// Serialise the entire session manager into a JSON object.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> toJsonWithoutSessions() async {
'devices': {
'alice@...': [1, 2, ...],
'bob@...': [1],
'device': { ... },
return {
'devices': _deviceMap,
'device': await (await getDevice()).toJson(),