fix: Migrate Double Ratchet to the helper functions

This commit is contained in:
PapaTutuWawa 2022-08-04 14:10:08 +02:00
parent 4d6dbef549
commit 31d3897995

View File

@ -1,62 +1,24 @@
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:cryptography/cryptography.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/protobuf/schema.pb.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/crypto.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/errors.dart';
import 'package:omemo_dart/src/helpers.dart';
/// Info string for ENCRYPT
const encryptHkdfInfoString = 'OMEMO Message Key Material';
/// cryptography _really_ wants to check the MAC output from AES-256-CBC. Since
/// we don't have it, we need the MAC check to always "pass".
class NoMacSecretBox extends SecretBox {
NoMacSecretBox(super.cipherText, { required super.nonce }) : super(mac: Mac.empty);
Future<void> checkMac({
required MacAlgorithm macAlgorithm,
required SecretKey secretKey,
required List<int> aad,
}) async {}
/// Signals ENCRYPT function as specified by OMEMO 0.8.3.
/// Encrypt [plaintext] using the message key [mk], given associated_data [associatedData]
/// and the AD output from the X3DH [sessionAd].
Future<List<int>> encrypt(List<int> mk, List<int> plaintext, List<int> associatedData, List<int> sessionAd) async {
final hkdf = Hkdf(
hmac: Hmac(Sha256()),
outputLength: 80,
final hkdfResult = await hkdf.deriveKey(
secretKey: SecretKey(mk),
nonce: List<int>.filled(32, 0x0),
info: utf8.encode(encryptHkdfInfoString),
final hkdfBytes = await hkdfResult.extractBytes();
// Split hkdfBytes into encryption, authentication key and IV
final encryptionKey = hkdfBytes.sublist(0, 32);
final authenticationKey = hkdfBytes.sublist(32, 64);
final iv = hkdfBytes.sublist(64, 80);
final aesResult = await AesCbc.with256bits(
macAlgorithm: MacAlgorithm.empty,
secretKey: SecretKey(encryptionKey),
nonce: iv,
// Generate encryption, authentication key and IV
final keys = await deriveEncryptionKeys(mk, encryptHkdfInfoString);
final ciphertext = await aes256CbcEncrypt(plaintext, keys.encryptionKey, keys.iv);
final header = OMEMOMessage.fromBuffer(associatedData.sublist(sessionAd.length))
..ciphertext = aesResult.cipherText;
..ciphertext = ciphertext;
final headerBytes = header.writeToBuffer();
final hmacInput = concat([sessionAd, headerBytes]);
final hmacResult = (await Hmac.sha256().calculateMac(
secretKey: SecretKey(authenticationKey),
)).bytes.sublist(0, 16);
final hmacResult = await truncatedHmac(hmacInput, keys.authenticationKey);
final message = OMEMOAuthenticatedMessage()
..mac = hmacResult
..message = headerBytes;
@ -67,46 +29,19 @@ Future<List<int>> encrypt(List<int> mk, List<int> plaintext, List<int> associate
/// Decrypt [ciphertext] with the message key [mk], given the associated_data [associatedData]
/// and the AD output from the X3DH.
Future<List<int>> decrypt(List<int> mk, List<int> ciphertext, List<int> associatedData, List<int> sessionAd) async {
// Generate the keys and iv from mk
final hkdf = Hkdf(
hmac: Hmac(Sha256()),
outputLength: 80,
final hkdfResult = await hkdf.deriveKey(
secretKey: SecretKey(mk),
nonce: List<int>.filled(32, 0x0),
info: utf8.encode(encryptHkdfInfoString),
final hkdfBytes = await hkdfResult.extractBytes();
// Split hkdfBytes into encryption, authentication key and IV
final encryptionKey = hkdfBytes.sublist(0, 32);
final authenticationKey = hkdfBytes.sublist(32, 64);
final iv = hkdfBytes.sublist(64, 80);
// Generate encryption, authentication key and IV
final keys = await deriveEncryptionKeys(mk, encryptHkdfInfoString);
// Assumption ciphertext is a OMEMOAuthenticatedMessage
final message = OMEMOAuthenticatedMessage.fromBuffer(ciphertext);
final header = OMEMOMessage.fromBuffer(message.message);
final hmacInput = concat([sessionAd, header.writeToBuffer()]);
final hmacResult = (await Hmac.sha256().calculateMac(
secretKey: SecretKey(authenticationKey),
)).bytes.sublist(0, 16);
final hmacResult = await truncatedHmac(hmacInput, keys.authenticationKey);
if (!listsEqual(hmacResult, message.mac)) {
throw InvalidMessageHMACException();
final plaintext = await AesCbc.with256bits(
macAlgorithm: MacAlgorithm.empty,
nonce: iv,
secretKey: SecretKey(encryptionKey),
return plaintext;
return aes256CbcDecrypt(header.ciphertext, keys.encryptionKey, keys.iv);