[general] reaper_freq=5 desiredgov=performance ; TODO: Maybe set this ;defaultgov=powersave ; The iGPU desired governor is used when the integrated GPU is under heavy load igpu_desiredgov=powersave igpu_power_threshold=0.3 softrealtime=on; renice=0 ioprio=0 inhibit_screensaver=1 [filter] ; If "whitelist" entry has a value(s) ; gamemode will reject anything not in the whitelist ;whitelist=RiseOfTheTombRaide ; Gamemode will always reject anything in the blacklist ;blacklist=HalfLife3 ; glxgears [gpu] [supervisor] [custom] start=systemctl --user start replaysorcery-kms systemctl --user start replaysorcery end=systemctl --user stop replaysorcery-kms systemctl --user stop replaysorcery script_timeout=10