''' Copyright (C) 2021 Alexander "PapaTutuWawa" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' # TODO: remove Alle sollte jede subscription entfernen # TODO: Deal with weird casing and typos # TODO: pollen hilfe should print help per command import asyncio import datetime from mira.module import BaseModule import requests import aioxmpp NAME = 'pollen' API_ENDPOINT = 'https://allergie.hexal.de/pollenflug/vorhersage/load_pollendaten.php' def api_query(plz, date): return API_ENDPOINT + '?datum={}&plz={}'.format(date, plz) def intensity_str(intensity): ''' Map the intensity value to a human readable string ''' return ('Kein Pollenflug', 'Schwach', 'Mittelschwer', 'Stark')[intensity] class PollenModule(BaseModule): __instance = None _subcommand_table = {} _pollen_data = {} # PLZ -> Date -> Type -> Severity _dates_notified = {} # JID -> [Dates already sent out] _sleep_duration = 100 @staticmethod def get_instance(base, **kwargs): if PollenModule.__instance == None: PollenModule(base, **kwargs) return PollenModule.__instance def __init__(self, base, **kwargs): if PollenModule.__instance != None: raise Exception('Trying to init singleton twice') super().__init__(base, **kwargs) PollenModule.__instance = self self._subcommand_table = { 'subscribe': self._subscribe, 'unsubscribe': self._unsubscribe, 'hilfe': self._help } self._sleep_duration = self.get_option('sleep_duration', 12 * 3600) # Load data # NOTE: Since we request the pollen_data at start anyway, we won't # need to save it. We only save dates_notified to prevent # sending one notification too many. self._dates_notified = self._stm.get_data('dates_notified') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() periodic = loop.create_task(self._request_pollen_data(True)) def notification_body(self, plz, date, allergies): ''' Format a message that will be sent to the user ''' msg = '{} (*{}*)\n'.format(date, plz) if 'Alle' in [x['type'] for x in allergies]: allergies = list(self._pollen_data[plz][date].keys) count = 0 for allergy in allergies: intensity = self._pollen_data[plz][date][allergy['type']] if intensity >= allergy['level']: msg += '{}: {}'.format(allergy['type'], intensity_str(intensity)) count += 1 if count == 0: return '' return msg def _is_notified(self, jid, date): ''' Returns True, when the pollen data for the date of date has already been sent to jid. ''' if not jid in self._dates_notified: return False return date in self._dates_notified[jid] def _set_dates_notified(self, jid, new_dates): ''' Marks a date as being sent to a user. Also ensures that there are at maximum 7 days in this list ''' if not jid in self._dates_notified: self._dates_notified[jid] = new_dates self._stm.set_data('dates_notified', self._dates_notified) return self._dates_notified[jid] += new_dates self._dates_notified[jid] = self._dates_notified[jid][-7:] self._stm.set_data('dates_notified', self._dates_notified) def _broadcast_jid(self, jid, filter_allergies=[]): ''' Sends the pollen data to jid. If filter_allergies is set, then only the data for the pollen types in filter_allergies will be sent. ''' for plz, data in self._sum.get_subscriptions_for(jid).items(): if filter_allergies: allergies = filter_allergies else: allergies = data['data'] notified = [] for date in self._pollen_data[plz]: if self._is_notified(jid, date) and not filter_allergies: continue notified.append(date) msg = self.notification_body(plz, date, allergies) if msg: self.send_message(aioxmpp.JID.fromstr(jid), msg) if notified: self._set_dates_notified(jid, notified) def _broadcast_all(self): for plz in self._pollen_data: for subscription in self._sum.get_subscriptions_for_keyword(plz): jid = subscription[0] data = subscription[1] notified = [] for date in self._pollen_data[plz]: if self._is_notified(jid, date): continue notified.append(date) self.send_message(aioxmpp.JID.fromstr(jid), self.notification_body(plz, date, data)) if notified: self._set_dates_notified(jid, notified) async def _request_pollen_data(self, loop): while True: today = datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for plz in self._sum.get_subscription_keywords(): req = requests.get(api_query(plz, today)) data = req.json()['content'] pollen = data['pollen'] for date in data['values']: if not plz in self._pollen_data: self._pollen_data[plz] = {} if not date in self._pollen_data[plz]: self._pollen_data[plz][date] = {} for i in range(len(pollen)): type_ = pollen[i] self._pollen_data[plz][date][type_] = int(data['values'][date][i]) # For when we want to just refresh data as someone just subscribed if not loop: break self._broadcast_all() await asyncio.sleep(self._sleep_duration) async def _subscribe(self, cmd, msg): if len(cmd) < 3 or len(cmd) > 4: self.send_message(msg.from_, 'Verwendung: pollen add []') return plz = cmd[1] allergy = cmd[2] jid = str(msg.from_.bare()) level = int(cmd[3]) if len(cmd) == 4 else 0 if self._sum.is_subscribed_to_data(jid, plz, 'Alle'): self.send_message(msg.from_, 'Du hast schon alle Allergene abonniert') return if self._sum.is_subscribed_to_data(jid, plz, allergy): self.send_message(msg.from_, 'Du hast das schon abonniert') return if level < 0 or level > 3: self.send_message(msg.from_, 'Das Level muss zwischen 0 und 3 liegen') return self._sum.append_data_for_subscription(jid, plz, { 'type': allergy, 'level': level }) self.send_message(msg.from_, 'Du erhälst nun Pollenmeldungen zu %s' % allergy) # Just some bandwidth saving measure if plz not in self._pollen_data: await self._request_pollen_data(False) self._broadcast_jid(jid, [{ 'type': allergy, 'level': level }]) async def _unsubscribe(self, cmd, msg): if len(cmd) != 3: self.send_message(msg.from_, 'Verwendung: pollen remove ') return plz = cmd[1] allergy = cmd[2] jid = str(msg.from_.bare()) if allergy == 'Alle': self._sum.filter_items_for_subscriptions(jid, plz, lambda x: False) self.send_message(msg.from_, 'Du erhälst keine Pollenmeldungen mehr') return if not self._sum.is_subscribed_to_data_one(jid, plz, lambda x: x['type'] == allergy): self.send_message(msg.from_, 'Du hast %s nicht abonniert' % (allergy)) return self._sum.filter_items_for_subscription(str(msg.from_.bare()), plz, lambda x: x['type'] != allergy) self.send_message(msg.from_, 'Du erhälst nun keine Pollenmeldungen zu %s mehr' % (allergy)) async def _help(self, cmd, msg): body = '''Verfügbare Befehle: pollen subscribe [] pollen unsubscribe pollen hilfe Pollentypen: Ambrosia, Ampfer, Beifuß, Birke, Buche, Eiche, Erle, Esche, Gräser, Hasel, Pappel, Roggen, Ulme, Wegerich, Weide, Alle (Alias für alle Pollentypen) Level: 0 (Kein Pollenflug) - 3 (Starker Pollenflug) ''' self.send_message(msg.from_, body) def get_instance(base, **kwargs): return PollenModule.get_instance(base, **kwargs)