
272 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include "../include/overclock.h"
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// HACK!!!: When a program uses cuda (including nvenc) then the nvidia driver drops to performance level 2 (memory transfer rate is dropped and possibly graphics clock).
// Nvidia does this because in some very extreme cases of cuda there can be memory corruption when running at max memory transfer rate.
// So to get around this we overclock memory transfer rate (maybe this should also be done for graphics clock?) to the best performance level while GPU Screen Recorder is running.
// TODO: Does it always drop to performance level 2?
static int min_int(int a, int b) {
return a < b ? a : b;
// Fields are 0 if not set
typedef struct {
int perf;
int nv_clock;
int nv_clock_min;
int nv_clock_max;
int mem_clock;
int mem_clock_min;
int mem_clock_max;
int mem_transfer_rate;
int mem_transfer_rate_min;
int mem_transfer_rate_max;
} NVCTRLPerformanceLevel;
typedef struct {
NVCTRLPerformanceLevel performance_level[MAX_PERFORMANCE_LEVELS];
int num_performance_levels;
} NVCTRLPerformanceLevelQuery;
typedef void (*split_callback)(const char *str, size_t size, void *userdata);
static void split_by_delimiter(const char *str, size_t size, char delimiter, split_callback callback, void *userdata) {
const char *it = str;
while(it < str + size) {
const char *prev_it = it;
it = memchr(it, delimiter, (str + size) - it);
it = str + size;
callback(prev_it, it - prev_it, userdata);
it += 1; // skip delimiter
typedef enum {
} NvCTRLAttributeType;
static unsigned int attribute_type_to_attribute_param(NvCTRLAttributeType attribute_type) {
switch(attribute_type) {
return 0;
static unsigned int attribute_type_to_attribute_param_all_levels(NvCTRLAttributeType attribute_type) {
switch(attribute_type) {
return 0;
// Returns 0 on error
static int xnvctrl_get_attribute_max_value(gsr_xnvctrl *xnvctrl, const NVCTRLPerformanceLevelQuery *query, NvCTRLAttributeType attribute_type) {
NVCTRLAttributeValidValuesRec valid;
if(xnvctrl->XNVCTRLQueryValidTargetAttributeValues(xnvctrl->display, NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_GPU, 0, 0, attribute_type_to_attribute_param_all_levels(attribute_type), &valid)) {
return valid.u.range.max;
if(query->num_performance_levels > 0 && xnvctrl->XNVCTRLQueryValidTargetAttributeValues(xnvctrl->display, NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_GPU, 0, query->num_performance_levels - 1, attribute_type_to_attribute_param(attribute_type), &valid)) {
return valid.u.range.max;
return 0;
static bool xnvctrl_set_attribute_offset(gsr_xnvctrl *xnvctrl, int num_performance_levels, int offset, NvCTRLAttributeType attribute_type) {
bool success = false;
// NV_CTRL_GPU_MEM_TRANSFER_RATE_OFFSET_ALL_PERFORMANCE_LEVELS works (or at least used to?) without Xorg running as root
// so we try that first. NV_CTRL_GPU_MEM_TRANSFER_RATE_OFFSET_ALL_PERFORMANCE_LEVELS also only works with GTX 1000+.
// TODO: Reverse engineer NVIDIA Xorg driver so we can set this always without root access.
if(xnvctrl->XNVCTRLSetTargetAttributeAndGetStatus(xnvctrl->display, NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_GPU, 0, 0, attribute_type_to_attribute_param_all_levels(attribute_type), offset))
success = true;
for(int i = 0; i < num_performance_levels; ++i) {
success |= xnvctrl->XNVCTRLSetTargetAttributeAndGetStatus(xnvctrl->display, NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_GPU, 0, i, attribute_type_to_attribute_param(attribute_type), offset);
return success;
static void strip(const char **str, int *size) {
const char *str_d = *str;
int s_d = *size;
const char *start = str_d;
const char *end = start + s_d;
while(str_d < end) {
char c = *str_d;
if(c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n')
int start_offset = str_d - start;
while(s_d > start_offset) {
char c = start[s_d];
if(c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n')
*str = str_d;
*size = s_d;
static void attribute_callback(const char *str, size_t size, void *userdata) {
if(size > 255 - 1)
int size_i = size;
strip(&str, &size_i);
char attribute[255];
memcpy(attribute, str, size_i);
attribute[size_i] = '\0';
const char *sep = strchr(attribute, '=');
const char *attribute_name = attribute;
size_t attribute_name_len = sep - attribute_name;
const char *attribute_value_str = sep + 1;
int attribute_value = 0;
if(sscanf(attribute_value_str, "%d", &attribute_value) != 1)
NVCTRLPerformanceLevel *performance_level = userdata;
if(attribute_name_len == 4 && memcmp(attribute_name, "perf", 4) == 0)
performance_level->perf = attribute_value;
else if(attribute_name_len == 7 && memcmp(attribute_name, "nvclock", 7) == 0)
performance_level->nv_clock = attribute_value;
else if(attribute_name_len == 10 && memcmp(attribute_name, "nvclockmin", 10) == 0)
performance_level->nv_clock_min = attribute_value;
else if(attribute_name_len == 10 && memcmp(attribute_name, "nvclockmax", 10) == 0)
performance_level->nv_clock_max = attribute_value;
else if(attribute_name_len == 8 && memcmp(attribute_name, "memclock", 8) == 0)
performance_level->mem_clock = attribute_value;
else if(attribute_name_len == 11 && memcmp(attribute_name, "memclockmin", 11) == 0)
performance_level->mem_clock_min = attribute_value;
else if(attribute_name_len == 11 && memcmp(attribute_name, "memclockmax", 11) == 0)
performance_level->mem_clock_max = attribute_value;
else if(attribute_name_len == 15 && memcmp(attribute_name, "memTransferRate", 15) == 0)
performance_level->mem_transfer_rate = attribute_value;
else if(attribute_name_len == 18 && memcmp(attribute_name, "memTransferRatemin", 18) == 0)
performance_level->mem_transfer_rate_min = attribute_value;
else if(attribute_name_len == 18 && memcmp(attribute_name, "memTransferRatemax", 18) == 0)
performance_level->mem_transfer_rate_max = attribute_value;
static void attribute_line_callback(const char *str, size_t size, void *userdata) {
NVCTRLPerformanceLevelQuery *query = userdata;
if(query->num_performance_levels >= MAX_PERFORMANCE_LEVELS)
NVCTRLPerformanceLevel *current_performance_level = &query->performance_level[query->num_performance_levels];
memset(current_performance_level, 0, sizeof(NVCTRLPerformanceLevel));
split_by_delimiter(str, size, ',', attribute_callback, current_performance_level);
static bool xnvctrl_get_performance_levels(gsr_xnvctrl *xnvctrl, NVCTRLPerformanceLevelQuery *query) {
bool success = false;
memset(query, 0, sizeof(NVCTRLPerformanceLevelQuery));
char *attributes = NULL;
if(!xnvctrl->XNVCTRLQueryTargetStringAttribute(xnvctrl->display, NV_CTRL_TARGET_TYPE_GPU, 0, 0, NV_CTRL_STRING_PERFORMANCE_MODES, &attributes)) {
success = false;
goto done;
split_by_delimiter(attributes, strlen(attributes), ';', attribute_line_callback, query);
success = true;
return success;
bool gsr_overclock_load(gsr_overclock *self, Display *display) {
memset(self, 0, sizeof(gsr_overclock));
self->num_performance_levels = 0;
return gsr_xnvctrl_load(&self->xnvctrl, display);
void gsr_overclock_unload(gsr_overclock *self) {
bool gsr_overclock_start(gsr_overclock *self) {
int basep = 0;
int errorp = 0;
if(!self->xnvctrl.XNVCTRLQueryExtension(self->xnvctrl.display, &basep, &errorp)) {
fprintf(stderr, "gsr warning: gsr_overclock_start: xnvctrl is not supported on your system, failed to overclock memory transfer rate\n");
return false;
NVCTRLPerformanceLevelQuery query;
if(!xnvctrl_get_performance_levels(&self->xnvctrl, &query) || query.num_performance_levels == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "gsr warning: gsr_overclock_start: failed to get performance levels for overclocking\n");
return false;
self->num_performance_levels = query.num_performance_levels;
int target_transfer_rate_offset = xnvctrl_get_attribute_max_value(&self->xnvctrl, &query, NVCTRL_ATTRIB_GPU_MEM_TRANSFER_RATE) / 2; // Divide by 2 just to be safe that we dont set it too high
if(query.num_performance_levels > 2) {
const int transfer_rate_max_diff = query.performance_level[query.num_performance_levels - 1].mem_transfer_rate_max - query.performance_level[2].mem_transfer_rate_max;
target_transfer_rate_offset = min_int(target_transfer_rate_offset, transfer_rate_max_diff);
if(xnvctrl_set_attribute_offset(&self->xnvctrl, self->num_performance_levels, target_transfer_rate_offset, NVCTRL_ATTRIB_GPU_MEM_TRANSFER_RATE)) {
fprintf(stderr, "gsr info: gsr_overclock_start: sucessfully set memory transfer rate offset to %d\n", target_transfer_rate_offset);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "gsr info: gsr_overclock_start: failed to overclock memory transfer rate offset to %d\n", target_transfer_rate_offset);
// TODO: Enable. Crashes on my system (gtx 1080) so it's disabled for now. Seems to crash even if graphics clock is increasd by 1, let alone 1200
int target_nv_clock_offset = xnvctrl_get_attribute_max_value(&self->xnvctrl, &query, NVCTRL_GPU_NVCLOCK) / 2; // Divide by 2 just to be safe that we dont set it too high
if(query.num_performance_levels > 2) {
const int nv_clock_max_diff = query.performance_level[query.num_performance_levels - 1].nv_clock_max - query.performance_level[2].nv_clock_max;
target_nv_clock_offset = min_int(target_nv_clock_offset, nv_clock_max_diff);
if(xnvctrl_set_attribute_offset(&self->xnvctrl, self->num_performance_levels, target_nv_clock_offset, NVCTRL_GPU_NVCLOCK)) {
fprintf(stderr, "gsr info: gsr_overclock_start: sucessfully set nv clock offset to %d\n", target_nv_clock_offset);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "gsr info: gsr_overclock_start: failed to overclock nv clock offset to %d\n", target_nv_clock_offset);
return true;
void gsr_overclock_stop(gsr_overclock *self) {
xnvctrl_set_attribute_offset(&self->xnvctrl, self->num_performance_levels, 0, NVCTRL_ATTRIB_GPU_MEM_TRANSFER_RATE);
//xnvctrl_set_attribute_offset(&self->xnvctrl, self->num_performance_levels, 0, NVCTRL_GPU_NVCLOCK);