fix: Ignore translations

This commit is contained in:
PapaTutuWawa 2023-06-21 22:39:19 +02:00
parent 514e4b5015
commit b76e1e9a24
2 changed files with 3 additions and 322 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ app.*.map.json
/android/app/profile /android/app/profile
/android/app/release /android/app/release
# Ignore built translations
# NixOS # NixOS
.direnv .direnv
.envrc .envrc

View File

@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
/// Generated file. Do not edit.
/// Locales: 1
/// Strings: 36
/// Built on 2023-06-21 at 20:15 UTC
// coverage:ignore-file
// ignore_for_file: type=lint
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:slang/builder/model/node.dart';
import 'package:slang_flutter/slang_flutter.dart';
export 'package:slang_flutter/slang_flutter.dart';
const AppLocale _baseLocale = AppLocale.en;
/// Supported locales, see extension methods below.
/// Usage:
/// - LocaleSettings.setLocale(AppLocale.en) // set locale
/// - Locale locale = AppLocale.en.flutterLocale // get flutter locale from enum
/// - if (LocaleSettings.currentLocale == AppLocale.en) // locale check
enum AppLocale with BaseAppLocale<AppLocale, _StringsEn> {
en(languageCode: 'en', build:;
const AppLocale({required this.languageCode, this.scriptCode, this.countryCode, required}); // ignore: unused_element
@override final String languageCode;
@override final String? scriptCode;
@override final String? countryCode;
@override final TranslationBuilder<AppLocale, _StringsEn> build;
/// Gets current instance managed by [LocaleSettings].
_StringsEn get translations => LocaleSettings.instance.translationMap[this]!;
/// Method A: Simple
/// No rebuild after locale change.
/// Translation happens during initialization of the widget (call of t).
/// Configurable via 'translate_var'.
/// Usage:
/// String a = t.someKey.anotherKey;
/// String b = t['someKey.anotherKey']; // Only for edge cases!
_StringsEn get t => LocaleSettings.instance.currentTranslations;
/// Method B: Advanced
/// All widgets using this method will trigger a rebuild when locale changes.
/// Use this if you have e.g. a settings page where the user can select the locale during runtime.
/// Step 1:
/// wrap your App with
/// TranslationProvider(
/// child: MyApp()
/// );
/// Step 2:
/// final t = Translations.of(context); // Get t variable.
/// String a = t.someKey.anotherKey; // Use t variable.
/// String b = t['someKey.anotherKey']; // Only for edge cases!
class Translations {
Translations._(); // no constructor
static _StringsEn of(BuildContext context) => InheritedLocaleData.of<AppLocale, _StringsEn>(context).translations;
/// The provider for method B
class TranslationProvider extends BaseTranslationProvider<AppLocale, _StringsEn> {
TranslationProvider({required super.child}) : super(settings: LocaleSettings.instance);
static InheritedLocaleData<AppLocale, _StringsEn> of(BuildContext context) => InheritedLocaleData.of<AppLocale, _StringsEn>(context);
/// Method B shorthand via [BuildContext] extension method.
/// Configurable via 'translate_var'.
/// Usage (e.g. in a widget's build method):
/// context.t.someKey.anotherKey
extension BuildContextTranslationsExtension on BuildContext {
_StringsEn get t => TranslationProvider.of(this).translations;
/// Manages all translation instances and the current locale
class LocaleSettings extends BaseFlutterLocaleSettings<AppLocale, _StringsEn> {
LocaleSettings._() : super(utils: AppLocaleUtils.instance);
static final instance = LocaleSettings._();
// static aliases (checkout base methods for documentation)
static AppLocale get currentLocale => instance.currentLocale;
static Stream<AppLocale> getLocaleStream() => instance.getLocaleStream();
static AppLocale setLocale(AppLocale locale, {bool? listenToDeviceLocale = false}) => instance.setLocale(locale, listenToDeviceLocale: listenToDeviceLocale);
static AppLocale setLocaleRaw(String rawLocale, {bool? listenToDeviceLocale = false}) => instance.setLocaleRaw(rawLocale, listenToDeviceLocale: listenToDeviceLocale);
static AppLocale useDeviceLocale() => instance.useDeviceLocale();
@Deprecated('Use [AppLocaleUtils.supportedLocales]') static List<Locale> get supportedLocales => instance.supportedLocales;
@Deprecated('Use [AppLocaleUtils.supportedLocalesRaw]') static List<String> get supportedLocalesRaw => instance.supportedLocalesRaw;
static void setPluralResolver({String? language, AppLocale? locale, PluralResolver? cardinalResolver, PluralResolver? ordinalResolver}) => instance.setPluralResolver(
language: language,
locale: locale,
cardinalResolver: cardinalResolver,
ordinalResolver: ordinalResolver,
/// Provides utility functions without any side effects.
class AppLocaleUtils extends BaseAppLocaleUtils<AppLocale, _StringsEn> {
AppLocaleUtils._() : super(baseLocale: _baseLocale, locales: AppLocale.values);
static final instance = AppLocaleUtils._();
// static aliases (checkout base methods for documentation)
static AppLocale parse(String rawLocale) => instance.parse(rawLocale);
static AppLocale parseLocaleParts({required String languageCode, String? scriptCode, String? countryCode}) => instance.parseLocaleParts(languageCode: languageCode, scriptCode: scriptCode, countryCode: countryCode);
static AppLocale findDeviceLocale() => instance.findDeviceLocale();
static List<Locale> get supportedLocales => instance.supportedLocales;
static List<String> get supportedLocalesRaw => instance.supportedLocalesRaw;
// translations
// Path: <root>
class _StringsEn implements BaseTranslations<AppLocale, _StringsEn> {
/// You can call this constructor and build your own translation instance of this locale.
/// Constructing via the enum [] is preferred.{Map<String, Node>? overrides, PluralResolver? cardinalResolver, PluralResolver? ordinalResolver})
: assert(overrides == null, 'Set "translation_overrides: true" in order to enable this feature.'),
$meta = TranslationMetadata(
locale: AppLocale.en,
overrides: overrides ?? {},
cardinalResolver: cardinalResolver,
ordinalResolver: ordinalResolver,
) {
/// Metadata for the translations of <en>.
@override final TranslationMetadata<AppLocale, _StringsEn> $meta;
/// Access flat map
dynamic operator[](String key) => $meta.getTranslation(key);
late final _StringsEn _root = this; // ignore: unused_field
// Translations
late final _StringsSettingsEn settings = _StringsSettingsEn._(_root);
late final _StringsAboutEn about = _StringsAboutEn._(_root);
late final _StringsTooltipsEn tooltips = _StringsTooltipsEn._(_root);
late final _StringsContentEn content = _StringsContentEn._(_root);
late final _StringsSearchEn search = _StringsSearchEn._(_root);
late final _StringsDetailsEn details = _StringsDetailsEn._(_root);
late final _StringsDataEn data = _StringsDataEn._(_root);
// Path: settings
class _StringsSettingsEn {
final _StringsEn _root; // ignore: unused_field
// Translations
String get title => 'Settings';
String get importAnime => 'Import anime list';
String get importAnimeDesc => 'Import anime list exported from MyAnimeList.';
String get invalidAnimeListTitle => 'Invalid anime list';
String get invalidAnimeListBody => 'The selected file is not a MAL anime list. It lacks the ".xml.gz" suffix.';
String get importManga => 'Import manga list';
String get importMangaDesc => 'Import manga list exported from MyAnimeList.';
String get invalidMangaListTitle => 'Invalid manga list';
String get invalidMangaListBody => 'The selected file is not a MAL manga list. It lacks the ".xml.gz" suffix.';
String importIndicator({required Object current, required Object total}) => '${current} of ${total}';
// Path: about
class _StringsAboutEn {
final _StringsEn _root; // ignore: unused_field
// Translations
String get title => 'About';
String get source => 'Source code';
// Path: tooltips
class _StringsTooltipsEn {
final _StringsEn _root; // ignore: unused_field
// Translations
String get addNewItem => 'Add new item';
// Path: content
class _StringsContentEn {
final _StringsEn _root; // ignore: unused_field
// Translations
String get anime => 'Anime';
String get manga => 'Manga';
// Path: search
class _StringsSearchEn {
final _StringsEn _root; // ignore: unused_field
// Translations
String get anime => 'Anime search';
String get manga => 'Manga search';
String get query => 'Search query';
// Path: details
class _StringsDetailsEn {
final _StringsEn _root; // ignore: unused_field
// Translations
String get title => 'Details';
String removeTitle({required Object title}) => 'Remove ${title}?';
String removeBody({required Object title}) => 'Are you sure you want to remove "${title}" from the list?';
String get removeButton => 'Remove';
String get cancelButton => 'Cancel';
String get watchState => 'Watch state';
String get readState => 'Read state';
String get episodes => 'Episodes';
String get chapters => 'Chapters';
String get volumesOwned => 'Volumes owned';
// Path: data
class _StringsDataEn {
final _StringsEn _root; // ignore: unused_field
// Translations
late final _StringsDataOngoingEn ongoing = _StringsDataOngoingEn._(_root);
String get completed => 'Completed';
late final _StringsDataPlannedEn planned = _StringsDataPlannedEn._(_root);
String get dropped => 'Dropped';
String get paused => 'Paused';
String get all => 'All';
// Path: data.ongoing
class _StringsDataOngoingEn {
final _StringsEn _root; // ignore: unused_field
// Translations
String get anime => 'Watching';
String get manga => 'Reading';
// Path: data.planned
class _StringsDataPlannedEn {
final _StringsEn _root; // ignore: unused_field
// Translations
String get anime => 'Plan to watch';
String get manga => 'Plan to read';
/// Flat map(s) containing all translations.
/// Only for edge cases! For simple maps, use the map function of this library.
extension on _StringsEn {
dynamic _flatMapFunction(String path) {
switch (path) {
case 'settings.title': return 'Settings';
case 'settings.importAnime': return 'Import anime list';
case 'settings.importAnimeDesc': return 'Import anime list exported from MyAnimeList.';
case 'settings.invalidAnimeListTitle': return 'Invalid anime list';
case 'settings.invalidAnimeListBody': return 'The selected file is not a MAL anime list. It lacks the ".xml.gz" suffix.';
case 'settings.importManga': return 'Import manga list';
case 'settings.importMangaDesc': return 'Import manga list exported from MyAnimeList.';
case 'settings.invalidMangaListTitle': return 'Invalid manga list';
case 'settings.invalidMangaListBody': return 'The selected file is not a MAL manga list. It lacks the ".xml.gz" suffix.';
case 'settings.importIndicator': return ({required Object current, required Object total}) => '${current} of ${total}';
case 'about.title': return 'About';
case 'about.source': return 'Source code';
case 'tooltips.addNewItem': return 'Add new item';
case 'content.anime': return 'Anime';
case 'content.manga': return 'Manga';
case 'search.anime': return 'Anime search';
case 'search.manga': return 'Manga search';
case 'search.query': return 'Search query';
case 'details.title': return 'Details';
case 'details.removeTitle': return ({required Object title}) => 'Remove ${title}?';
case 'details.removeBody': return ({required Object title}) => 'Are you sure you want to remove "${title}" from the list?';
case 'details.removeButton': return 'Remove';
case 'details.cancelButton': return 'Cancel';
case 'details.watchState': return 'Watch state';
case 'details.readState': return 'Read state';
case 'details.episodes': return 'Episodes';
case 'details.chapters': return 'Chapters';
case 'details.volumesOwned': return 'Volumes owned';
case 'data.ongoing.anime': return 'Watching';
case 'data.ongoing.manga': return 'Reading';
case 'data.completed': return 'Completed';
case 'data.planned.anime': return 'Plan to watch';
case 'data.planned.manga': return 'Plan to read';
case 'data.dropped': return 'Dropped';
case 'data.paused': return 'Paused';
case 'data.all': return 'All';
default: return null;