import * as React from "react"; import { BrowserRouter, Route, Redirect } from "react-router-dom"; import AuthRoute from "../security/AuthRoute"; import { setSessionToken, removeSessionToken } from "../security/Token"; import Dashboard from "../pages/dashboard"; import LoginPage from "../containers/LoginPage"; import LevelListPage from "../containers/LevelList"; import LevelPage from "../containers/LevelPage"; import ReviewPage from "../containers/Review"; import SummaryPage from "../containers/SummaryPage"; import WelcomePage from "../pages/intro"; import Drawer from "../containers/Drawer"; import { BACKEND_URL } from "../config"; import { ILevel } from "../models/level"; import { ILearner } from "../models/learner"; import { IVocab, VocabType } from "../models/vocab"; import { IReviewMetadata, ReviewType } from "../models/review"; import { IUser } from "../models/user"; import { IResponse } from "../models/server"; interface IProps { authenticated: boolean; user: IUser; setAuthenticated: (status: boolean) => void; setUser: (user: IUser) => void; }; // TODO: Replace the sessionStorage with localStorage? // TODO: Cache API-Calls // TODO: When mounting without a login, check if the sessionToken is still valid export default class Application extends React.Component<IProps> { getLevels(): Promise<ILevel[]> { console.log("STUB: Application::getLevels"); return new Promise((res, rej) => { // TODO: Actually fetch them from somewhere setTimeout(() => { const levels = [{ name: "Der Bauer auf dem Feld", desc: "So fängt alles an: Du bist ein einfacher Bauer und musst dich die Karriereleiter mit deinen freshen Latein-Skills hinaufarbeiten", level: 1, done: true, }, { name: "???", desc: "Warum schreibe ich überhaupt was?dsd dddddddddddddddddddddd", level: 2, done: false, }]; res(levels); }, 2000); }); } getLastReview = (): IReviewMetadata => { console.log("STUB: Application::getLastReview"); // TODO: Actually fetch this // TODO: Stub return {} as IReviewMetadata; } setLastReview = (meta: IReviewMetadata) => { console.log("STUB: Application::setLastReview"); // TODO: Send this to the server this.setState({ lastReview: meta, }); } getReviewQueue = (): Promise<IVocab[]> => { console.log("STUB: Application::getReviewQueue"); // TODO: Implement return new Promise((res, rej) => { setTimeout(() => { res([ { german: ["Wein"], hint: "Worte auf '-um' sind meistens NeutrUM", type: VocabType.NOMEN, latin: { grundform: "Vinum", genitiv: "Vini", genus: "Neutrum" }, id: 0 }/* , { * latin: "Vici", * german: "<Wortbedeutung>", * hint: "Wird \"Viki\" und nicht \"Vichi\" ausgesprochen", * mnemonic: "Merk dir das Wort mit Caesars berühmten Worten: \"Veni Vidi Vici\"; Er kam, sah und siegte", * type: VocabType.NOMEN, * id: 2 }, { * latin: "fuga", * german: "Flucht", * hint: "Worte auf \"-a\" sind FeminA", * type: VocabType.NOMEN, * id: 3 } */ ]); }, 2000); }); } getLearners(): ILearner[] { console.log("STUB: Application::getLearners"); // TODO: Implement return [{ username: "Polynomdivision", level: 5, score: 400, }, { username: "Polynomdivision2", level: 3, score: 500, }, { username: "Der eine Typ", level: 7, score: 100, }]; } getTopTenLearners(): ILearner[] { console.log("STUB: Application::getTopTenLearners"); // TODO: Implement return [{ username: "Polynomdivision", level: 5, score: 400, }, { username: "Polynomdivision2", level: 3, score: 500, }, { username: "Der eine Typ", level: 7, score: 100, }]; } getNextLevel(): ILevel { console.log("STUB: Application::getNextLevel"); // TODO: Actually fetch data return { name: "???", desc: "Warum schreibe ich überhaupt was?dsd dddddddddddddddddddddd", level: 2, done: false, }; } getLevelVocab = (id: number): Promise<IVocab[]> => { return new Promise((res, rej) => { fetch(`${BACKEND_URL}/auth/level/${id}/vocab`, { method: "GET", headers: new Headers({ "Content-Type": "application/json", "Token": this.props.user.sessionToken, }), }).then(data => data.json()) .then((resp: IResponse) => { if (resp.error === "0") { res(; } else { rej(resp); } }); }); } login = (username: string, password: string): Promise<IUser | IResponse> => { return new Promise((res, rej) => { fetch(`${BACKEND_URL}/login`, { method: "POST", headers: new Headers({ "Content-Type": "application/json", }), body: JSON.stringify({ // NOTE: We will force HTTPS, so this should not be a // problem username, password, }), }).then(data => data.json()) .then((resp: IResponse) => { if (resp.error === "0") { // Successful login this.props.setUser(; setSessionToken(window,; this.props.setAuthenticated(true); res(; } else { rej(resp); } }); }); } logout = () => { // TODO: Tell the server that we're logging ourselves out removeSessionToken(window); this.props.setAuthenticated(false); } // Checks whether the user is logged in isAuthenticated = () => { // TODO: Security? // TODO: Implement return this.props.authenticated; } render() { // TODO: Show a spinner before mounting the routes, so that we can // check if were authenticated before doing any requests return <BrowserRouter basename="/app/"> <div className="flex" > <Drawer logout={this.logout} /> <div className="content"> <Route exact path="/" component={() => <Redirect to="/login" />} /> <Route exact path="/login" component={() => { return <LoginPage login={this.login} /> }} /> <AuthRoute isAuth={this.isAuthenticated} path="/dashboard" component={() => { return <Dashboard nextLevel={this.getNextLevel} getLastReview={this.getLastReview} getTopTen={this.getTopTenLearners} /> }} /> <AuthRoute isAuth={this.isAuthenticated} path="/welcome" component={() => { return <WelcomePage /> }} /> <AuthRoute isAuth={this.isAuthenticated} path="/levelList" component={() => <LevelListPage getLevels={this.getLevels} />} /> {/*We cannot use AuthRoute here, because match is undefined otherwise*/} <Route path="/level/:id" component={({ match }) => { if (this.isAuthenticated()) { return <LevelPage id={} levelVocab={this.getLevelVocab} drawerButtonState={this.drawerButtonState} setLastReview={this.setLastReview} />; } else { return <Redirect to="/login" />; } }} /> <Route path="/review/level/:id" component={({ match }) => { if (this.isAuthenticated()) { return <ReviewPage reviewType={ReviewType.LEVEL} levelId={} vocabByLevel={this.getLevelVocab} setLastReview={this.setLastReview} />; } else { return <Redirect to="/login" />; } }} /> <AuthRoute isAuth={this.isAuthenticated} path="/review/queue" component={() => { return <ReviewPage reviewType={ReviewType.QUEUE} vocabByQueue={this.getReviewQueue} drawerButtonState={this.drawerButtonState} setLastReview={this.setLastReview} />; }} /> <AuthRoute isAuth={this.isAuthenticated} path="/review/summary" component={() => { return <SummaryPage /> }} /> </div> </div > </BrowserRouter >; } };