import os import sys import json import datetime import configparser import threading import logging import signal import asyncio from collections import namedtuple import aioxmpp from aioxmpp.structs import PresenceShow import requests from janine.utils import find_one, find_all from janine.sources import sources_from_config, MiscDataSources log = logging.getLogger('janine') #log.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) Warning = namedtuple('Warning', ['id', 'sent', 'effective_from', 'expires', 'urgency', 'sender', 'headline', 'description', 'instruction', 'landkreise']) def to_warning(data): ''' Returns a Warning given the raw data ''' info = find_one(lambda x: 'headline' in x.keys(), data['info']) return Warning(id=data['identifier'], sent=data['sent'], # Not all items have to have those effective_from=info.get('effective', 'N/A'), # Not all items have to have those expires=info.get('expires', 'N/A'), urgency=info['urgency'], # Not all items have to have those sender=info.get('senderName', 'N/A'), headline=info['headline'], description=info['description'], instruction=info.get('instruction', 'N/A'), landkreise=get_landkreise(data)) def get_landkreise(data): ''' Returns the list of Landkreise relevant to the warning in @data ''' info = find_one(lambda e: 'area' in e.keys(), data['info']) geocode = find_one(lambda e: 'geocode' in e.keys(), info['area']) # Note: Some items may have multiple Landkreise return list(map(lambda e: e['valueName'], geocode['geocode'])) def parse_data(text): ''' Reads the remote response, parses it and returns a list of warnings. ''' data = json.loads(text) return [to_warning(el) for el in data] class WarningBot: def __init__(self): self._warnings0 = [] self._warnings1 = [] self._client = None self._warn_clients = {} self._refresh_timeout = 630 # 15min # Configuration stuff self._data_dir = '' self._client_store = '' self._warning_store = '' self._load_config() async def connect(self): ''' Starts the "event loop" of the bot ''' self._client = aioxmpp.PresenceManagedClient( self._jid, aioxmpp.make_security_layer(self._password)) async with self._client.connected() as stream:'Client connected to server') # In case you want a nice avatar if self._avatar:'Setting avatar') with open(self._avatar, 'rb') as f: image_data = avatar_set = aioxmpp.avatar.AvatarSet() avatar_set.add_avatar_image('image/png', image_bytes=image_data) await selg.avatar.publish_avatar_set(avatar_set) # Set some presence information self._client.set_presence( aioxmpp.PresenceState(available=True, show=PresenceShow.DND), self._status) # Register the message handler aioxmpp.MessageType.CHAT, None, self._handle_message)'Message handler registered') # Start our fetch-send loop # NOTE: Originally, I wanted to use a cronjob and # signal.signal(...) for this but you can't # use async in event handlers loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() periodic = loop.create_task(self._periodic_requests())'Periodic ticker started') await periodic def __is_message_valid(self, msg): ''' Returns True on messages we want to handle. False otherwise. ''' if msg.type_ != aioxmpp.MessageType.CHAT: return False if not msg.body: return False if msg.from_.domain != self._jid.domain and self._same_domain: return False return True def __make_msg(self, to, body): ''' Wrapper for creating a message object to enqueue or send. ''' msg = aioxmpp.Message( type_=aioxmpp.MessageType.CHAT, to=to) msg.body[None] = body return msg def _handle_message(self, msg): # Handle cases we don't want to deal with if not self.__is_message_valid(msg): return cmd_parts = str(msg.body.any()).split(' ') cmd = cmd_parts[0].lower() if cmd == 'subscribe': # Do we have a landkreis? if len(cmd_parts) < 2: self._client.enqueue(self.__make_msg( to=msg.from_, body='Du hast keinen Landkreis angegeben')) return # Check if the entered Landkreis is valid landkreis = ' '.join(cmd_parts[1:]) if not landkreis in self._channels: self._client.enqueue(self.__make_msg( to=msg.from_, body='Der angegebene Landkreis ist ungültig')) return if not landkreis in self._warn_clients.keys(): self._warn_clients[landkreis] = [] self._warn_clients[landkreis].append(str(msg.from_.bare())) self._client.enqueue(self.__make_msg( to=msg.from_, body=f'Du erhälst nun Nachrichten zu {landkreis} von mir')) with open(self._client_store, 'w') as cf: cf.write(json.dumps(self._warn_clients)) # Send all known warnings for the landkreis to the user for warning in self._warnings0: if landkreis in warning.landkreise: body = self._format_warning(warning) self._client.enqueue(self.__make_msg( to=msg.from_, body=body)) elif cmd == 'unsubscribe': # Do we have a landkreis? if len(cmd_parts) < 2: self._client.enqueue(self.__make_msg( to=msg.from_, body='Du hast keinen Landkreis angegeben')) return landkreis = ' '.join(cmd_parts[1:]) if not landkreis in self._warn_clients: self._client.enqueue(self.__make_msg( to=msg.from_, body=f'Du hast {landkreis} nicht abonniert')) return if str(msg.from_.bare()) in self._warn_clients[landkreis]: filter_ = lambda x: x != str(msg.from_.bare()) self._warn_clients[landkreis] = list(filter(filter_, self._warn_clients[landkreis])) self._client.enqueue(self.__make_msg( to=msg.from_, body=f'Du erhälst keine Nachrichten zu {landkreis} mehr von mir')) if len(self._warn_clients[landkreis]) == 0: del self._warn_clients[landkreis] else: self._client.enqueue(self.__make_msg( to=msg.from_, body=f'Du hast {landkreis} nicht abonniert')) elif cmd == 'help': body = 'Verfügbare Befehle:\n\nsubscribe - Abonniere einen Landkreis\nunsubscribe - Entferne das Abonnement zu einem Landkreis\nhelp - Gebe diese Hilfe aus' self._client.enqueue(self.__make_msg( to=msg.from_, body=body)) else: self._client.enqueue(self.__make_msg( to=msg.from_, body='Diesen Befehl kenne ich nicht... Mit "help" kannst du alle Befehle sehen, die ich kenne.')) async def _periodic_requests(self): ''' "Executes" every self._refresh_timeout seconds to fetch all configured warnings and send them to the users, if there are any new ones. ''' while True: logging.debug('Refreshing warning list') await self._fetch_warnings() await asyncio.sleep(self._refresh_timeout) async def _fetch_warnings(self): ''' Fetches all warnings and tries to find new ones to send notifications. ''' self._warnings1 = self._warnings0 self._warnings0 = [] for source in self._sources: req = requests.get(source) self._warnings0 = parse_data(req.text) # Find new warnings and send the new ones ids = map(lambda x:, self._warnings1) for warning in self._warnings0: if in ids: continue if len(set(warning.landkreise).intersection(self._warn_clients.keys())): body = self._format_warning(warning) for landkreis in warning.landkreise: for to in self._warn_clients.get(landkreis, []): msg = aioxmpp.stanza.Message( to=aioxmpp.JID.fromstr(to), type_=aioxmpp.MessageType.CHAT) msg.body[None] = body await self._client.send(msg) def __time_format(self, time_str): ''' Reformat ISO style time data to a more readable format. ''' date = None try: date = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(time_str) except: pass if not date: return time_str return '{}.{}.{} {}:{}'.format(, date.month, date.year, date.hour, date.minute) def _format_warning(self, warning): ''' Send a warning to all the recipients ''' # Reformat the message a bit effective_time = self.__time_format(warning.effective_from) expiry_time = self.__time_format(warning.expires) body = f'*{warning.headline}*\n({effective_time} bis {expiry_time})\n\n{warning.description}' # Smells like script injection, but okay body = body.replace('
', '\n') body = body.replace('
', '\n') return body def _load_config(self): # Load config config_path = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else '/etc/janine/janine.conf' config = configparser.ConfigParser() # Configure sources self._sources = sources_from_config(config) self._data_dir = config['General'].get('DataDir', '/etc/janine') self._recipients = config['General']['Recipients'].split(',') self._refresh_timeout = int(config['General']['Timeout']) self._same_domain = config['General'].get('SameDomain', 'True') == 'True' # Persistent data # Subscribed clients self._client_store = os.path.join(self._data_dir, 'clients.json') if os.path.exists(self._client_store): with open(self._client_store, 'r') as cf: self._warn_clients = json.loads( # Landkreise self._channels = [] channels = {} channel_file = os.path.join(self._data_dir, 'channels.json') if not os.path.exists(channel_file): log.debug('Requesting search channels') req = requests.get(MiscDataSources.channels()) channels = json.loads(req.text) self._channels = list(map(lambda key: channels[key].get('NAME', ''), channels.keys())) try: with open(channel_file, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(self._channels)) except Exception as err: log.error('Failed to cache channel data:') log.error(str(err)) else: with open(channel_file, 'r') as f: self._channels = json.loads( # Bot Config self._jid = aioxmpp.JID.fromstr(config['Bot']['JID']) self._password = config['Bot']['Password'] self._avatar = config['Bot'].get('Avatar', None) self._status = config['Bot'].get('Status', 'Warnt dich vor Katastrophen') def main(): bot = WarningBot() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(bot.connect()) loop.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()